Final Version There's a little to much noise, I might fix that later. Basically about oppression and stuffz. Tear me apart. It's random, I know. v2
The text is hard to read. I don't like the fact that the photo is vertical. But otherwise, I kinda like it. Looks really good, great job. Hitler looks weird in pink XD
The noise is alright but it should end right after the hand ends. Hitler needs to go. He looks totally random and rips your focal down and to the right.
1) Get rid of the seen but not heard text. 2) Make an imaginary horizontal line going across right above Hitler's head. Cut off everything below that. I think that would look good.
It's not a clipping mask. I cut out the hand, moved it up slightly. Just nitpicking It just feels a little empty to me. I know that empty space is good, I just can't resist putting something in the empty space.
Well go ahead and fill the space, by all means, but keep it all concentrated. Throwing something out there in the wild empty space just spunds it.
Nice, but there is a G&A section lol. My instinct is to suggest more Hitler. Dunno why, but I find the name really cool (not the guy, just the name) You could have a swastika in the bottom right area. Anyway, does anyone else get really stiff tendons and joints after doing weights for like th first time in several months? Or does it happen every time?
i agree. Add a swastika and hitler and more junk and make it one of those abstract kind of poster things. and i already explained this fishy. when you lift weights, you rip your muscles, and then they grow more and repair themselves. thats how you build muscle. if you consistently lift weights and do not stretch the new muscle, it will bunch up and get all tangled. this causes stiffness and inflexibility. i suggest stretches after lifting.
Why the **** are we talking about weightlifting? Anyway, I know this is cliché, but what about adding bombs dropping from the plane? Like this sorta: (except not a toilet)
Yeah, it looks like a mannequin's head. Try getting an image of a bomber dropping bombs, shrink it down, and put that in the TV. So, it would be like the bomber is dropping a TV that is showing a video of a bomber dropping bombs.
What if you had something falling from the hand? Maybe a gun or some other sort object. The TV doesn't really make since, honestly the entire plane looks kind of out of place. But that's just my opinion...