Ultimate DodgeBall Description: Yet another mini game made for much entertainment by me.I am continueing to make mini games and they are getting better as they go.So there are windows that you must try to throw sticky and flame grenades through.There are 10 rounds and the game is up to 20.I was going to make it that you have 1 life and if you die a teamate would have to get a kill for you to respawn.Juicy effect spawns at 90 seconds into the round...that sums it up well now for the epic picture sauce: Pictures: Map Overview^ Red Side Overview^ Blue Side Overview^ Action Shots: Map Download Gametype Download
I like the concept and it looks very well made, i cannot comment on how fun it is as i have not played it yet but as soon as i can i hope to get a game on this. looks great!
The idea is pretty ok. But as much as I hate saying this, and many others would to. It could be a little more cleanly interlocked. Dont mind that to much though, the idea was cool, and diserves some DL's.
Pros: Nice idea and originality. Nice merging as well. Cons: You could techniclly suicide, by stick an opponent right infront of your face with a spike grenade. And the holes to throw out of seem too small IMO, but that is just the way of the map.
Thanks for the constructive comments.Did you even play the map?But yeah I agree with the suicide thing but at least friendly fire is turned off so you cant betray anyone.
i really dont like when people make dodgball maps with walls in the middle, i realize it cant be wide open, but do what some do, and make it so there is a fall to your death pit so people can't cross, that makes it feel more like an actual dodgeball game.
I'm not a fan of walls for floors, but the map looks very legit put together. I'll enjoy it once my xbox comes back from the repair center. The interlocking in the inside looks very good, but the outside walls, needs a upgrade. 8.5/10
Turns out that you can hide from most of the damage by standing next to the holes just far enough from the walls that nobody can hit you.... that seems to be a problem... anyway, you should just have a open hole w/ shield doors on it so that nades still bounce, but people don't. Also, I think JUST plasma nades seem to work better. just my opinion.
Game type's been done a lot. Like shows up once a week kind of a lot. Nothing really original, and does it really help to make slit walls? Wouldn't gameplay work better if there was a large gap in the middle so you couldn't jump over, instead of small slits? Aesthetic wise, it's pretty good, although I think it would be better if you had gone with your original idea of having to kill someone to revive a team mate, at least there would be a new touch, as I don't believe anyone's done that yet.
Yeah, I played the map, it was immensley fun, but I used a different game type, not yours. FF was turned on, and I had a very funny experience were I committed suicide by doing what I said earlier (even though I did it on purpose).
This kind of game has been done way too much, the center wall looks pretty hard to throw grenades through and you can't really aim well.