Working on a Sanctuary Remake (15 Hours in)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by oX Arson Xo, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    Been working on this for the past 3 weeks and i havnt been working on it much lately, just want to put up some pictures because i could use some enthusiasm to carry on making it. just Post and tell me what you think so far.



    If you look here youl notice that the Crypt entrence isnt in the centre of the Middle structure, its because the Crypt entrence isnt the middle of the map (if you count the squares in forge the crypt is in the 13-14th block out of 30)







    Tell me what you think and if you want to check it out in person just send me a message on oX Arson Xo.
    #1 oX Arson Xo, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    It's looking good arson. Good luck and show me the finished product.
  3. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    I admit it looks very good from what I can see, very neat also. My only advice is to make your post more informative is to try and find similiar pictures of the map so other people who haven't played H2 can relate to what your building, I remember playing it back in the day but surely other people cannot.

    Apart from that I look forward to this being completed :)
  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Looks like very good forging thusfar. Using the main level was a dangerous choice though. Be sure to include plenty of cover.
  5. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Finally, I was going to make a Sanctuary remake because we didnt had anyone REALLY good. Its good that you are making one. Seems very good.

    You are going to build wall around the map, right?

    EDIT: I'm willing to help you, if you really need.
    #5 Dragull, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  6. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    yeah tell me about it, dont worry about the cover the map will be an exact replica of Sanctuary. But hopefully il have enough pieces to wall off the map.

    if i cant wall it off, il scrap the map and work on a different remake and come back to it later on. Thanks but il be ok =] i work better when im putting it all together my self, if i got someone with me normally its just someone to keep me company an talk to like =p
    but yea i know what you mean about all the remakes, im going to make a thread after ive finished the sanctuary remake to see what remake people would like me to make next (im planning on making all the ones that are possible from Halo 2)

    Thanks for the comments to guys, i put roughly 60-100 hours per map and it helps allot knowing that people actually give a **** :p =]
    #6 oX Arson Xo, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  7. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    This looks really well made so far. The interlocking done is excellent and you really made the map exact. Keep workn hard..can't wait to see the finished product.
  8. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    Updated with more pictures, im about 25-30 hours in now. if your wondering why its taken me so long to do that its because i make a layout before i go to work on building the actual structure, also every single piece is interlocked perfectly and can be recognised to the grid on the floor so making the other side perfectly symetrical will be easy. also theres allot of geomerging with the walls to make the map look better asthetically.
    One thing is i have about 130 objects left and that half of the map takes roughly 70-90 pieces to do so i can safely say i can make the map un-excapable, as well as have an extra 30-40 pieces to make the map more aesthetically pleasing.

    thanks for the moral boost guys, i really need it for this map because i predict itl take me about 70 hours to complete.
  9. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    I wanted to remake a map too.
    Thought about Foundation or Sanctuary...:confused:
    Good Luck I chose Foundation xD
    Your map kicks ass^^ looks REALLY great!:happy:
    At first i thought you'll have problems with the object limit, but you wrote about it so it's fine.
    I don't want to happen to someone what happened me :haha:
    I was completely new to sandbox-forging and didn't know about the object limit.
    So I worked on my Foundation map for about 10-12 hours.
    Nearly finished some parts were missing and i wanted to finish it...
    and THEEEN it happened :surprise:mg:
    Object Limit reached.....F**K
    Well i just started new and it should be finished about next week :monitor:

    excellent map design =) looks really neat...
  10. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Checking in on your map. And must I say this is looking really great! It is better than all of the sanctuary maps that are far. Keep it up.
  11. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Ive been poping my head in here every now and then to see if you have anymore done. Keep updating us w/ pics please! Looks like a REALLY good reamake so far. Im excited to see what it looks like when its done. Will you invite me when it is time to test it ...?

    gt is iiHeCtic

  12. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    thanks :), yea theres allot of foundation maps and theres one or two that are pretty good so you've got allot of competition to work with :) hope it turns out well.

    yeah i should just about have enough to wall the map off but im 90% sure i can do it =]

    yeah same this is my first Sandbox map, ive screwed around with it before trying to get a good feel of everything and ive just randomly been testing the map, like dropping objects pre budget glitched and then budget glitched to see if it was in anyway diff to foundry and etc.
    but yeah that sucks man im hoping it doesnt happen to me because i wont find out untill i hit the 60 hour mark.


    thanks =] and cant wait to see your foundation remake, could i add your GT so i can check it out?

    Definatly and thanks for the comment :), really helps because its a really tiring project because its going to make me atleast another 30-40 hours.
    #12 oX Arson Xo, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  13. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    Jeah you can add me if you want =]
    My Gamertag is: ITz SrOnGzIDe
    (like my nickname on forgehub =P)
    Don't be afraid...I'm german WUUHU^^
    but I can speak english^^
    so it shouldn't be a problem :D
    Cya on live^^
    And i think my Foundation is CLEARLY the best from all^^
    It looks pretty like the original one =]
    I just worked 3-4 hours before i went on @ forgehub...
    and i guess its more than 60% finished =)
    Until monday it's ready to be tested xD
  14. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Make sure you cannot get on top of the center structure, because that's just lame. Also, don't forget about spawns, weapons, and objective counting towards the OLN. Unless you already have them est up, you will need to account for 70-100 items.
  15. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    awesome, il hold you to the whole best remake ever thing. ive seen some good ones (they could be better dont get me wrong) but im really OCD about stuff like this, you have one block thats slightly out of place and il call you out on it =]

    Yep the origional spawns from Sandbox are in the crypt and i have all the sanctuary weapons + extra allready in the crypt.
    also the spawns from Sandbox are in the crypt (they havnt been deleted)
    and im sorry dude but you will be able to get on top of the middle structure, il just make the jump hard. remember its an exact replica of sanctuary.
    #15 oX Arson Xo, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I understand that you want an exact replica, but you must remember something. The map was made for Halo 2 not 3. I am not saying that the gameplay won't work, but it's different. Getting on top of the middle structure will just cause problems. I never liked people getting on top in Halo 2. The map had some flaws. Why not fix them? It'll make the map better.

    That's just my opinion. Do what you want.
  17. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    chances are youl always be able to get on top, but if its THAT map braking then i would make it impossible. so far all im thinking is that if its that much of an overpowered spot il just make the jump to get up there extreamly hard.
  18. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    Keep the forging up mate^^
    Your map looks really awesome =]

    I made a thread ybout my unfinishedm ap too xD
    But will be finished the next 2 days^^

    If you wanna see it just click on my Sig =]
    Hope you like it xDD
  19. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    I was wondering how far the owner is with this map? It looks awesome :)
  20. RipShaDe 41

    RipShaDe 41 Ancient
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    this remake is looking pretty good. i made a remake also, you can check it out.
    mine just doesnt have the walls around the map. but its still pretty good. i hope
    your turns out how you want it too. good luck

    My Sanctuary-Remake

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