Rooftop Finale

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, May 16, 2009.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I'm working on a v2, so hold off on posting.
    Just let this thread die and comment when my v2 comes out


    Table of Contents
    Short Description
    Map Description
    Long descriptions

    Short Description:
    In Left 4 Dead: Rooftop Finale The object for the survivors is to kill all of the zombies that come after them, and last for 5 minutes without dying. For the Infected the object is to kill the survivors.

    Map Description:
    Rooftop Finale is a recreation of Left 4 Dead's No Mercy Rooftop Finale Crescendo event.
    It has 4 buildings, The main building is where the survivors start, It has 8 Assault Rifles, 8 Battle Rifles, and 8 Shotguns, and a button to start the infection, but I'll get to that later. The main building has 2 "pipes" leading off of it onto Two other buildings.
    (inside the main building v)
    The left building has a Trip mine on it (where the Pipe bombs/Molotovs would be) an Two teleporters where the Infected would come out.
    The Right base has the exact same objects while being a very different layout.
    The last building, or, part of a building, is the broken helipad. It holds no Objects and is a pretty good spot for hit and run smokers.
    But wait, is that it?
    What about the blue thing in the sky in picture 1?
    What about the zombie spawns?
    do they just use those 4 measly teleporters?
    No that blue thing was the zombie spawn.
    Why put a spawn room in the sky?
    Because teleporters are too easy to camp
    And the zombies get to choose where they spawn like in Left 4 Dead!
    So can't they just run in as fast as possible before the survivors are ready?
    No, Remember that button in the main building?
    It starts the infection by unblocking the receiver node!
    How does something in the main building unblock that pallet?
    Well, here's how...
    (Hold right bumper to flip warthog?)
    The Warthog is holding a Fusion what?
    Well when you flip the Warthog it drops the fusion coil to the ground when it hits the ground it explodes
    Wont it just hit the grid and not explode?
    It will hit the grid but that's what makes it explode!
    Wait so you built the map high off the grid?
    Yes I did and If you care why I'll explain that in the Misc. section.
    So you flip the Warthog
    It drops the fusion coil, explodes
    So how does that free the zombies?
    well, the run time minimum is set to four (there are 5 fusion coils on the level) and when the warthog coil blows up, it spawns another fusion coil somewhere else (at the zombie spawn).
    The fusion coil that spawned (farthest left, it just spawned in the air) falls into the gravity lift (which accelerates the fusion coil) blowing up the gravity lift, the falling fusion coils, and the still fusion coils blow up the pallet (the warthog fusion coil, the gravity lift, and the still coils are set to never respawn and cause no trouble after the explosion)
    (there is a tiny tiny crack that allows the coils to hit the pallet but it can't hit the infected)

    See, no damage!
    I take no credit for this switch it was made by some one else...I don't know who exactly but if you know tell me so I can edit my post giving them thanks.

    (I have a needler spawn in the front left corner of the zombie spawn a radar jammer in the front right and a 7-wood/overshield spawn in the center I do not currently have a picture and I will get one as soon as possible)

    This is where the zombies wait for 30 seconds before the outbreak


    Long Description:

    This is a very chaotic game with the zombies having only 3 second respawn and always starting with a sword. There are no pain pills or med kits and no attempt at them either, but I tried, I wanted pain pills and med kits as much as the next guy but It just can't happen. The fusion coil letting the zombies free automatically happens at 30 seconds so move fast preparing! And one Survivor has enough time to grab both trip mines and two weapons before the zombies automatically spawn. I also tried molotovs and pipe bombs but they didn't work either because the zombies could kill a survivor take his grenade and take out half of the survivor's health with one fire bomb, not fun. I also did my best to fix one fatal flaw, the survivors can jump off take the suicide minus and come back with full health, I did my best to fix this by having the spawn point as far away from the main building. There is only one way the survivors can face from the respawn so the infected can spawn kill (assassination) if they know someone jumped. The survivors respawn after 13 seconds (3 second spawn normally and 10 seconds for suicide).

    Spawn times
    Needler - 30 seconds doesn't spawn at start
    Radar Jammer - 60 seconds doesn't spawn at start
    7-Wood/Custom power-up - 150 seconds doesn't spawn at start
    Trip mines on both sides - never respawn, spawn at start
    Assault Rifle - Infinite respawn 8 on map (all in the same spot)
    Battle Rifle - Infinite respawn 8 on map (all in the same spot)
    Shotgun -Infinite respawn 8 on map (all in the same spot)

    Initial Zombie count 50%

    zombie kill points 1
    killing a survivor 5
    last man bonus 2
    suicides -10

    Zombie damage resistance 100%
    Zombie Shield multiplier Normal
    Zombie Damage modifier 75%
    Zombie gravity 100%
    Zombie movement speed 150%

    Survivor damage resistance 500%
    Survivor Shield multiplier 3x
    Survivor Damage modifier 100%
    Survivor gravity 150%
    Survivor movement speed 100%


    -The Turrets function was changed from looking down the long alleyway to getting the infected that immediately jump from the shield doors.

    -Remember that the smoker and tank can both push the survivors off the edge.

    -The sword melee does more damage than the lunge swipe for swipe

    -Shotgun should be your primary weapon and the AR and BR should be secondary weapons.

    -Remember that you can destroy the radar jammer

    -Needler is not infinite ammo so use it sparingly

    -I originally had the first half of the level (Not just the finale) where you started with SMGs Maulers and pistols, the level worked out great until people got to the elevator shaft. No one ever made it past the elevator section simply because you came out of a hole where the infected could easily assassinate everyone who tried to pass. I tried everything to make it work but It just wouldn't work how I imagined it. After that disappointment I stopped working on L4D for a long time and decided to pick it up again recently and made what we have today!

    -I made this before knowing about the other L4D levels


    I'm working on a v2, so hold off on posting.
    Just let this thread die and comment when my v2 comes out
    #1 MetaWaddleDee, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Action Shots:

    The bad part of being on a Turret, immobility

    A pouncing Hunter!
    You are constricted!
    #2 MetaWaddleDee, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This looks pretty good, although im not that much of a fan of Left4Dead, I do see my brother play it very often... Especially on this map... So from what i have seen this looks quite good. And i really like that idea you made to release the zombies. It makes the map really unique and i its one of the great parts of Left4Dead.
  4. Jorgy411

    Jorgy411 Ancient
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    I love how you incorporated Left4Dead in Halo 3! haha, thats amazing...too bad the walls cant be destroyed.

    Quick question though, What did you do for the tank zombies? Ya know...the zombies on steroids?

    Oh need to add molotov's (aka Fire Bombs) !!!!

    Overall though, good idea! i like it alot! Make some more of the left4dead levels. lol i'd like to see the lighthouse level incorporated into a halo 3 map. ;) 4.5/5
    #4 Jorgy411, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Jorgy, the tank zombies are the ones with 7-wood and overshield.

    Ok, perhaps you could allow molotovs to be on map if you place an insta-spawn custom power-up on the zombie spawn, that enables them to pick up weapons for a short amount of time. Then when they come on field they can't pick up grenades or weapons.

    Also, couldn't a zombie mix and match and get multiple weapons that the L4D class sets say you can't have?
  6. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    This is a pretty sweet remake, and the gametype is set up pretty well. I know it is supposed to be L4D, but the humans may be a little overpowered. Also, there is a way to make health pack-type things. You make the humans stronger and so their shields don't recharge, and you can have custom powerups that heal the human a certain amount. You may want to regulate what weapons the zombies get, such as making four rooms with a weapon that corresponds to zombie type in each one, as well as a teleporter that leads to the main zombie spawn area. For the tank area, you could make it have a custom powerup and a grav hammer that only respawn every 180 seconds. This way there is one tank every three or so minutes. The map itself is awsome, but it could use a little color. Good job, keep it up man.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Have you done the 3 god rooms? ;p

    This map looks pretty good, looks well built, but I cant really play it to test out gameplay but im geussing it will be pretty good.

    BTW, if the zombies can come through the teleporter and jump from the sky then surely cant they just jump from the sky before the switch is set off, or do they have starting points somewere else and go through the teleporter which brings them up there?

    BTW if your making a new map with these settings with the l4d style then I have a sweet idea that will look pretty aesthetical with the switch I have in mind :p
  8. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Zombies picking up other weapons isn't a problem at all, the infected have 3 things to pick-up, a needler, a custom power-up/hammer, and a radar jammer. It doesn't matter who picks up the radar jammer because the boomer isn't the guy with the radar jammer he is the radar jammer, so you're just carrying the boomer because he can't support his own weight anymore. the tank picking up the needler is just dumb because he has a limited ammo supply and a limited time being the tank, It would be much better to give the needler to a different guy while the survivors are worried about the tank.

    And the zombie's never get to the survivor's weapons because the survivors are usually protecting the area, just more motive to keep the survivors in that building.

    Molotovs will never work because it is just way too strong and if the zombies get it from a survivor they can annihilate another survivor, and it just isn't fair.

    Pain pills and Med kits are impossible too. this is because I can't use the custom power-up because it is being used for the tank, the regenerator would be able to restore the survivor's health but they're shields are set to never recharge and the regenerator just makes the shields go up, but since they are set to never recharge they dont budge.
  9. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    awesome idea ii love the pipe bombs (i tried this on foundry but it sucked), the left for dead roof to finale is great and this recreation is awesome are you going to be doing more?
  10. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I will be doing more eventually but I'm not sure which one I should do next? I'm thinking of doing Death toll's finale of blood harvest's finale, but if there is a crescendo you guys want to see more than those two, just tell me.
  11. DarkestofAngels

    DarkestofAngels Ancient
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    Hey man, great map! Probably the best L4D map, out there!

    I like how you made the zombie spawn not that confusing, and I love to be a Tank/Smoker! xD.

  12. Planet9

    Planet9 Ancient
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    IIRC, you edit spawn settings for the zombies that allow them to pick up weapons for a few seconds when they first spawn. This would let them pick up their corrosponding weapons but it would prevent them from picking up survivor weapons.
  13. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Great Job on remaking the Roof Top Finale!

    You made everything look almost 100% like the real deal. This looks great for infection and I cannot wait to play it! Is there a certain gametype for this or what?

    One suggestion, add the Gloomy Effect. In the Skybubble it looks almost excactly like nighttime and would be even more creepier than before!

    4/5(no map is perfect!)

  14. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    This is very good. You managed to greatly re-create not only the level, but the feeling as well. I cannot give to much criticism or advice, seeing as how it is good enough as is. However, I will suggest flipping the teleporters upside down and merging them in the ground. This way, the zombies will spawn from thin air (like in the game) and will also prevent some new players who are unfamiliar from attempting to spawn camp. As I said before, this is a great map and you did a very good job.
  15. NEMESIS94

    NEMESIS94 Ancient
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    what if no one presses the button because they dont know about it or theyre just a jerk.
    P.S i havent played yet gotta delete some old maps damn 100 custom content limit
    #15 NEMESIS94, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009
  16. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    I've played alot of left 4 dead remakes, but this is the L4D map overall. It has way better gameplay than all the others and it looks alot better to. I like the switch alot too. 5/5
  17. Skitsofrentic

    Skitsofrentic Ancient
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    This has to be one of the greatest forging ideas I've ever seen. I love L4D and to incorporate it into the other game I love, wow, its like Christmas morning.
  18. ub3rtuba

    ub3rtuba Ancient
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    I'd like to see the boat one, it'd be difficult, but kickass as a final product
    as for this map, it looks amazing, very well done even if there are a few unavoidable bugs
    based upon what I see, i'll go ahead and give it a 4.5/5
  19. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    Looks like a great remake and the forging looks solid as well.

    Just one question do the pallet doors respawn.

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