that's not the point, at the time you said no, so lets keep it at that, anyways, NO ONE CAN HAVE OUR STOCK.
Lets be happy. People can keep secrets. Oh look, someone posted in the CNC thread for Icequiem. Let's do that.
I personally perceive witholding a good stock from fellow GFXers as being rather pointlessly selfish.
thats as close as you'll get...I know its mean, but I'm really getting tired of all my stocks getting used over and over again, and then they end up over used and abused.
u c now thats the kind of thinking that makes me angryface. you care more about your piece being 'original' than you do about sharing what could be a valuable resource to the community. not only that, but you make yourself sound fantastically egocentric in that you think everyone thinks your stocks are amazing and try to imitate you. blech.
I sorta understand why you would want to keep it under wraps, but really. Why do you care so much if a stock you used is reused?
We were just debating to give you guys the stock, and since Hari decided to run his mouth, we're not.
K then. Your logic is somewhat sound. Oh look, anther post in the CNC from IceQuiem thread. That looks very interesting.