Black ice puzzle BLACK ICE PUZZLE MAP BLACK ICE is ice frozen without many air bubbles trapped inside, making it transparent. This type of ice takes the color of the material it lies on top of, often wet asphalt or a darkened pond. Also making it very difficult to walk on and maneuver through. Map "Black Ice" is my 2nd map in my "elemental series”. This map will truly keep you on the edge of your gaming chair throughout the rooms. "Black Ice" features a few never before seen challenges along with stunning aesthetics that makes for a clean atmosphere. Black ice has evolved over 2 months of trial and error to bring a smooth gaming experience. So try you hardest to ( I WANT TO BREAK FREE ). This map can be completed by one person, but it's also playable (Up To Four). Although having friends may make some challenges easier to complete. Overall, still mind blowing even to the experienced gamers! This map is similar to DARK WATER; both provide unique challenges along with difficult forging. Creating both a realistic environment leaving your thumbs frostbitten to the tip. Challenging but not impossible your fate is sealed, be wise, choose correctly, and do not react on impulse, just because you think you know what to do, it might not be the correct choice of action. So remember to have your thinking caps on and turned to their highest setting because you will need it. Pictures [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] DOWNLOAD MAP HERE DOWNLOAD GAME VARIANT
This looks like a very challenging puzzle map but don't quote me on anything because I am really bad at puzzle maps. Me and my friend try them all the time but we usually don't get past the second challenge before quitting, going into forge, and seeing the challenges. This brings me to a question, is it only supported for 1 person or can you play with 2 people. We wouldn't be using partner jumps if it was a one person map, but I was wondering if you set down like two equipments if you have to equipment jump or something like that. I will download this and give it a good try before going into forge. Right now it gets a 4.3/5 but that could change depending on how far I get. Chow!
I remember when i was waiting forever for this to be done. from the pictures i say 4/5 with all the great forging .
I've been playing this for a while, and I have to say that the forging is great, and as usual, there are many new and challenging puzzles. You're always upping my expectations, YEE MAN. (Btw, sorry for not talking about McDonalds or my girlfriend... Lol)
Nice Description and Great map, the first room took me awhile to complete, there is actually some thinking involved.Im looking forward to playen your maps in the future over all 4/5 thought this map was nice and actually took some thought to get through the challenges.
Black Ice is HOT Dude, this is easly one of your best maps. Very challenging and hard to overcome. I have been stuck in a room with some radar jamers and I cant seem to make it to the window? how do you do it yee man? You must be a genius to come up with these puzzles. the forging is immaculate and the challenges are nearly impossible. I still cant beat this map please HELP!!!!!