The Reusable Key Card Door The whole point being that only the person carrying the equipment can open the door.The switch works by throwing a power drain that then rolls down a ramp and explodes and takes out two fusion coils, blowing up another two coils and the grav-lift. Which, opens the door. The grav-lift respawns after 10 seconds, making it reusable. Link Overveiw Throwing the power drain Door open Now behind the seens Overview Activating
This is an interesting method. I like it. While it seems like it uses too many objects already and wouldn't make for a great competitive map, it might work well with small infection games. This is creative though, I like it. Great job, but won't the energy drainer either hurt you before it goes down the hole, or take a while to explode?
I made a point of it so that the power drain doesn't hurt you. I had to use alot of shield doors though, and yes the power drain is on for ten seconds before it explodes. (just enough time two get the hell out before the grenade at your feet blows up)
this is very cool. your link isn't working on my internet for some reason though so i can't DL. I can't imagine what types are going to come out using this technique. Good job breaking walls down for forge.
Very nice idea, same idea used for many other aesthetic purposes. I can see this being used in the future from many forgers alike, because it is so small and easy to use. Excellent job.
Pretty cool, seems very usable for indoor maps. A TuT would be nice for those who want to make it. Again, great job.
Lol, 'behind the seens'. But this is a very good idea. Although the version you've made seems very bulky. I think it may be possible to make a more compact version. I love the idea, but I can't think of any way it could be used. In an infection map it may be unfair on the zombies. Maybe in a one-sided variant? So although this is a very good switch, it's a bit of a gimmick. It's like an expensive grav lift, as it costs a lot to forge, you need equipment to utilise it, and it gets you somewhere you couldn't access before.
Sorry about the links!!! I copy/pasted this from artificer and didn't think about how old it was, sorry!
Hey great switch. I like the idea and I'm even going to use it in a map if I get to it. One problem, you can use nades to open the door. Just throw a nade in the corner by the bottom of the dumpster and you can get in from either side. So it probably can't be used the way you intended, unless there are no nades on map. It still works however if you're playing a custom gamemode where zombies can pick up equipment but not nades so that's the only way the zombies can open it. That's what I'm going to do. Anyways, great job just wanted to give you a heads up with the nade problem. --omelet
You make so many awesome switches, nice job. What is this artificer place? Is it a forge site? Also, I can see this being used in an infection map, and I see potential for this switch. It's a bit bulky and has some flaws that other people pointed out, though. Good job, 4/5.
Yes, was a forge site that I used to be a part of, Members include Fiat Luxer, Srgt. Visily, Goatnuts420, SwordScar, and many other of the famous switch builders, It was a site built for switch maps. and yes, I am aware of the nade problem, and I know how to fix it, but I currently have red ring of death and will post the fixed version as soon as I can.
wow this is really great, i cant beileve it works so well, i did find a glitch in it though. you could just put the power drain right next to the door. anyway nice job 5/5. ill make a house with this an give you some credit
This needs only but one word... awesome. It's too cool to be true. I could probably use it in a remake of a metal gear solid level =) thanx. 10/10 (seriously none of you could think of this, and it could use some work, but it could also be the start of a new ma making era(or not))
Thanks! and I didn't know about the power drain right next to it, but what ever. (Every rose has-it's-thorn!) wow, I really just had a flash back there. lol. And if you use the switch, dont give me credit, give it to "zombiedude". He originally thought of this, He just sucks at building switches and his version had so many damn problems it wasn't worth posting.
Wow, nice switch, It's exactly the type of switch I was looking for to put in one of my puzzle maps (well my first really) Mind if I use it? I'd love a tut on how to do it It's nicely forged too, how's about a Sandbox Version too sometime in the Future. I'd really like that Nice map 10/10
what a cute switch. i like how only powerdrainers work. i can see how this could be used. only two things i dont like: uses a hell of a lot of items. can hurt you. you can fix the hurt.... put a custom power up that gives like 10 seconds of invincibility. nice idea though. i may just have to use this in the near future
Good job. I might look into this as I'm designing a clan HQ for my friend. For use as a security checkpoint for any n00bs wanting to gain Access. Also, whoever said that grenades can open the door has obviously never thought of interlocking a shield door above the grav lift. (No offense intended) Also it seems sleeker and move efficient than the moon waffle style doors I've been using. By the way, this would be sweet for making a machinima set.