Sandbox Devil's Hill

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mooshg, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Mooshg

    Mooshg Staff
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    Devil's Hill is a small map that can be played with slayer, CTF, and assault. The location on this map is on the giant hill of sandbox. The map is good for 2-8 players (different on the description of the actual map). The defender side has the power-ups on their side while the attackers have the sniper and rocket on their side making it so there can be different strategies to try. by cousin tim.


    ruined arch/sniper

    red base

    blue base

    sniper spot

    top of hill

    camouflage spawn

    oversheild spawn

    Download Devil's Hill

    #1 Mooshg, Jun 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  2. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    When I saw this at first, I thought it was just kind of a random placed cover, non thought out map. Then I looked closer, and saw you did some interlocking and you thought it out pretty well. The bases are fair, blue has the height advantage and red has a bit more cover and even ground. I know it's tough, but this map could have a real good run if you did some geomerging into the sand here and there, and made a good sized neutral base or two to add some gameplay and aesthetics. Well done, very original.
  3. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    the DL link don't work it said this
    Unable to locate specified Halo 3 file. The file may not exist, or the system may have encountered an error.
  4. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    There was really no point to this post! How about you write something about the map first, then point out that the DL link won't work, OK?

    Well-as for the map-It looked like a bunch of crap was thrown around from the top view, but when i looked closely, I realized that this was a really well thought out map with a cool idea. I would recommend merging a few of your pieces with the dune, but other than that, GREAT MAP, and very original idea. I'd love to help you out and help with merging with the dunes!

  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I will admit, I'm not really impressed with the map. The walls could use a little re-doing on the dunes and the map outside the sand isn't really that unique, while everything on the stone part of the map is pretty good. The second picture is really cool though. If you redid the map and made it really unique and original, but kept the sniper structure, I would definitely download. I would suggest giving it some more ledges or maybe a whole new second floor. Making a v2 would be a really good idea for this map.
  6. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    ok yea people got onto about writing about the map without trying it how am i going to try it if the DL don't work
  7. TonicSTUPID

    TonicSTUPID Ancient
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    Okay, So why did you critisize shortkidpena about saying the dl link didnt work. when you repeated exactly what the first comment said. not justh the words changed around. like word for word.

    Other then that. looks like a pretty decent map. maybe if i had the mythic map pack id dl. Another thing that i saw that i liked was how you put together the bases.

    xCYPRESSBLAZEx Ancient
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    nice map i like the idea and layout and though there arent geomerging its pretty awesome 4\5

    as for you guys give him a break maybe he doesnt know how to geomerge
  9. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I once thought of doing something like this, so you know it's a great idea :D
    However, I saw no geomerging whatsoever, giving this map a horrible, sloppy appearance. If you can learn how to geomerge smoothly, maybe even roughly (would help with a theme), this would be amazing.
    But great job with the idea and on a successful first map post!
  10. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i love the idea, but i would love to see a v2 that has geomerging, and just more structure to it, but the whole idea of it on the hill is sweet, just add a little more to it.
  11. Mooshg

    Mooshg Staff
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    actually i do its just i didnt feel like it and as that one guy said making a second version with another floor would be cooler
  12. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    The 2nd pic looks the best, but other then that I dont like it to much honestly.
    It doesnt have a flow to it, niether any cover. Sorry but thats just me.
    Some things you could do to fix it though, is well add more cover , and more interlocking would make gameplay more promising. Sorry, no DL from me.
  13. Pixie Dust

    Pixie Dust Ancient
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    Map need more truck!
  14. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I used to have an idea to do something like this, but it looks like you beat me to it. Your map looks very aesthetically pleasing to me in a way. I like the ruined arch structure coming out of the top of the hill especially. This looks like it would play very well with one flag. Some things I would like to point out though: First, I hate to sound redundant, but as stated above, I would like to see maybe a little geomerging to some of your objects, and second, I would like to see a weapons list. Other than that, great map. You've certainly earned yourself a download.
  15. Happy Co

    Happy Co Ancient
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    i've gotta say that its pretty sick how you just used part of the main sandbox floor.

    the map looks great though and i'm really digging the whole ruined city feel it has this has some serious potential.

    Senior Member

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    good idea,
    i would looks awsome if you would interlock and geo-merge all your objects.
    the layout is good so maybe you could do a version2.
    overall its ok.

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