"Like the iPhone 3G but on crack" (Fake quote) Apple - iPhone - Mobile phone, iPod, and Internet device. Discuss Please remember this is the General Chat, so no bashing for no reason at all. I can and will infract upon the standard "Macs suck" post. I'm an Apple Developer so I'm downloading the new beta OS. It looks like it is going to have some of things we have been waiting for like a video editor. Perhaps direct You Tube uploads, please? I'm very excited that Apple didn't just up the iPhone's memory and actually improved the performance of it. Unfortunately I do not have a premier developer license so I don't have access to to Snow Leopard. ( Apple - Mac OS X Snow Leopard - The world?s most advanced OS ) It looks to me like it is just an update, a big update that increases speeds. So I can see why it is $30. I'm looking forward to 6 more GB. I've only got 16 GB left and don't feel like swapping my hard drive.
I've been hearing rumors about this for a very long time, and I was very excited. It's great to know that apple finally has confirmed these rumors. This will be a great addition to encourage new iPhone users, and keep the old ones happy. I personally love my phone to death (iPhone), and I'm glad that I will finally be able to cut/copy/paste without jailbreaking it.
I'm pretty sure in the Keynote it was mentioned that after editing videos they can be shown via MMS, Email, Youtube and so on. If someone can figure out a way to get Video working on 3.0 with the original iPhone using only the native Camera app, then I'll happily update. Right now at 2.1 Jailbroken, I have everything they've listed as 'new' features, although they all require separate apps. :/
I'm disappointed that they haven't increased the amount of hard-disk space yet. I have been holding off on buying an iPhone until they make it at least 60 gb, because anything less is really just two small for my purposes. It is nice to see that they have addressed some of the issues that people had with the 3G (especially copy and paste), but I think its a bit funny that "Cut, Copy, and Paste" is an advertising point.
Well they have increased the amount of hard-disk space... it's at 32GB right now, and considering the average App after installation is no more than 10mb, that's a lot. I can't see who would fill their iPhone out with 32GB worth of music and apps anyway, I think people are just after the bragging rights that they have something with more memory capacity.
Not necessarily... My 180 gb iPod is 16.7 gb away from being full. I admit I wouldn't have all of that 163.3 gb of music, movies, podcasts, etc. on my phone, but I would like to have at least half of it. In podcasts alone I have in excess of 25 gbs of data, and I listen to them on my iPod all throughout the day, so having them on my phone would be very convenient.
Yeah! Pay 100 extra for a video recorder AND you can copy & paste!!! (sarcasm) Ya kno I'm just pissed cuz I just got an iphone like 2 months ago. Great.
I forgot about Podcasts, I can definitely see people wanting those. Then again, iPhone has always been about, for me at least, the convenience of how easy it is to watch or listen to media without having to have it on the device itself. Quickly looking at my Memory on my iPhone, I have the following; 142 Photos 630 songs 1 two hour long video According to that I have 1GB left of my 8GB, although those stats aren't including my 52 Apps, roughly ten downloaded Youtube videos etc. I could definitely see myself going for the 32GB 3GS if I can get it at a good price, now I think about it.
I agree, most people don't need a whole lot of space on their iPhones. I have several friends who bought iPhones just for the Apps.
Yeah, my girlfriend's mum got a 3G as an upgrade and hasn't installed anything from the App Store - I have to say the phone pales in comparison to one fully loaded with tons of Applications. It just doesn't look, feel or have anything all that impressive pre-loaded, besides the screen size and multi-touch capabilities, but that's coming down to hardware/aesthetics.
i think that it is awesome that mac is finally seeing our side of the story. I think mac is amazing, but amazingly overpriced. the only thing stoping me from owning the iphone 3gS 16gb is now the fact that i have verizon and it doesnt carry that. I'll stick with the touch for now.
apples products are ridiculously out of price... just cuz they're thin and whatnot. Example: when I render a clip on bnet, I like to edit it using iMovie HD, but when I import the file it says I need to buy some crappy plugin for like 10 dollars... yeah it's just 10 bucks, but I mean microsoft does this converting crap for free!!! Plus, imacs you have to go into all of the specifics of crap, and you can't just do something simply. /rant!
I render a clip then convert to .mp4 in iSquint, simple. -------- Snow Leopard really doesn't appeal to me that much, I just don't need to pay to get the same interface and a few new features, when I'm used to Leopard and it works well for what I need to do at work. I'm not saying I'd pass it up if someone at my office were to get the family pack, but I wouldn't see the point of getting it myself. Plus my main at home is a PPC 17" Powerbook, which Apple so nicely decided to stop supporting.
Well, that's what I was saying earlier. I said they should make it at least 60gb because I need a lot of space, and 32 gb is simply insufficient. I was saying that arrrghSAM is an example of how most people (I think) use their iPhones, only having about 600 songs and a few photos and things. It would be very nice if they did add more storage.
Well I wouldn't particularly say I'm an example of how most people use their iPhones - mine is jailbroken, with around 60 apps, I use Winterboard to theme it and SSH into it to do various things. The average iPhone user calls people, has a couple hundred songs and knows very little of the ways you can hack the phone and it's capabilities once that's been done. A great example is my girlfriend's mum, as I said earlier she only uses the pre-loaded Apps and has never heard of half of the stuff I do on mine. When I think about it, having more storage would definitely be great, even if I never filled it, I'd know that I would have space left on my hard disk.
I'll definitely be buying a 3GS not just for the 32GB, but for the better camera, video recording capabilities and the 7.2mbps radio. Don't get me wrong, I love my 3G, but I can't fit everything I want on 16GB, and It's my primary camera as I don't want to carry around my point and shoot. So the 3MP sensor should make my pictures look better, and video recording and editing will be nice.
I personally think that people exaggerate the cost of makes. Yes, they are expensive, but you are getting a premium product. PC's with similar hardware are only a max of a couple hundred less and with Macs you get the functionality of OSX. I <3 my mac and I can't wait to get snow leopard. Oh, and I was amazed when I found out the upgrade was only $30