Creator: IVIaster Sniper Map name: GooseChallenge Description: Don't let it get to your head, you can do it. Map Used: Sandbox Players: Atleast 5 or more ( 5 mongooses at start ) Supported Gametypes: GooseChallenge ( oddball variant ) Link: Goose Challenge Map! Goose Challenge Gametype! Record number of attempts and time film! Extra Details: An intermediate level Mongoose Challenge! ( First one! ) will make other levels upon request! Please leave comments on how good/bad it was and how you did! me and my friends had a lot of fun trying to get through this hopefully you will too! All Comments good or bad will be accepted either on this, or messages in game! pictures:
looks a pretty cool concept from the first two pics, but you need to show more of the map, e.g show some of the 'challenges/puzzles' within the map, i'll download and have a look the aesthetics are good also
This interests me.The words mongoose and chal;lenge caught my attention.I will beat this today and tell you how it is.But I love these kinda maps so nice.
Ok cool, got some more pictures up. Let me know what you guys think, and if I should work on some easier ones or harder ones! im trying to make a name for myself on here with the community :]
Pros: Not that many mongoose challenges out there that look this good. The great turn with evenly spaced out objects looks great, as well as the half-walls positioned like it almost looks like it is impossible to cross. Cons: None that I can see.
Thanks, I spent some time on this. Looking foward to making more for you guys if I get some good feedback and the demand is there for more! Lets get some more comments going?! 98 views and counting I gotta hear some criticism. Oh yeah also, have another one for you guys in the making..... only much harder ; ] hope you guys like challenges.
Looks like a great spin on the overdone mongo racing maps. Maybe you could create a series of these maps, or create variants with different vehicles? Make variants at different dificulty levels? Maybe you could blend it in with some crazy ass banked turns, dropoffs, ect.
very fun map, I was playing it with 2 of my friends and I almost got to the end, but then I failed =(
Haha I know you tylyr1 I played with you the other day ( this is the hambuurglar ) IVIaster Sniper makes these maps, he is my lil bro. but he's not too good with the stuff on the comp so I do that for him, he tells me what to type and i'll do it. You should try the expert course though he put that one up yesterday VERY hard.