Meth Lab Download the map! GAMETYPE PSYCHEDELIC Meth Lab is a FFA slayer map made for hilarios Chaos. It is just the back base of orbital, with some scenary. Sounds boring, right? Well, that is where the name plays in. On this map, your Spartan or Elite has taken some drugs before the fun! At time intervals, the map gets trippyer and trippyer! WEAPONS Ones that make cool lights and **** Pics Overview 1 Overview 2 Start of the Game After 10 seconds After 45 seconds Overview at 45 seconds After 150 seconds Download and comment, please! Gametype details. PSYCHEDELIC consists of needler starts. You go 3 rounds of 3 minutes each, top score at the end wins. Equipment makes this map even crazier. Flares become DEADLY
i can't even see the last pictures i know its part of the game but can you show us some clear pics of the map?
I made a map like that on Blackout called Whiteout. Of course the one I made had horrible scenery because it was one of my first maps, but it had the same idea. I like this map. I'll queue it for download. SOunds like some major chaos. I'll try to give more suggestions after I play it.
i like the affects but although it might see fun at first but once u can't see ur enemy while playing slayer it starts to ruin the game play
The point of the game is to bring lulz, not be MLG or anything. Radar and sight redness works well enough in playtesting.
Interesting Idea, i don't think anyone else has incorporated the timed effects of spawning effects into a non zombie map. nice ill dl and see how pissed off my friends get when they play this
huh... Might be a fun 2 in the morning sorta fling. DD I would expand the map a little more, so that you have semi safe spawning. Also, I might make a gametype to go along side this, something like "Crackdown" or some **** like that.
There is a gametype for it. It's the colourific dl link up there. How do you reccomend I make spawning safer?
By expanding the map. Bungie has made it so that you spawn the farthest away from danger, using a weighting system, so by expanding, you will increase the areas off possible safe spawns.
Wow this seems like a really good idea. One of the better looking maps ive seen on orbital. Creative the idea of your vision getting worse over time is total lulz. Itd be like "wtf"
Your back! what a beautiful day for all hubbers to see your triumphet return! As your home coming map you do one where you get high. I wonder if that stands for things to come? I can't believe that this wasn't though of before, effects coming up over time. So points for you there. Maybe you should try making something like this on sandbox?
Thanks for your comment, Penguin dude. Hah, I've been thinking about something like this using the crypts odd lighting. Using the killballs and Red/blue lights can be used too.