this is a recap video i made of mine and foundationz customs game night if you like what you see then send me a message so sign up to our social group Custom Game Whores and join in on the fun because there will be more Custom nights were a Biweekly customs group these were just some of the custom games we played i couldnt show you them all because i had a specific time amount i can post on youtube which is lame but we did alot more infection those were just some highlights and we also did many other minigames enjoy comment rate subscribe YouTube - Custom Game Whores Night 3 Join in on the FUN!
well im not sure but i think that youtube registers the videos in minutes so if its just under 11 then it will register it as 10 thats my theroy, so you gonna join in on the next customs night
Very cool recap and a good way to get more people to join the Custom Game Whores. I like it and keep up the good work.
thanks alot im glad you enjoyed it you should join in i mean we usually get alot of people anyways but were trying to expand the fun onto forgehub but its rather hard i mean we have alot of members but they dont come on often we were just trying to be the group that plays customs while people are waiting for the next tgif because i no everybody is eager for them but unfortunatly alot of people are afraid to hang with another customs group other than the TGIF so yea it gets hard to incorparate people from forgehub we got about 6 people in the customs night from forgehuib, but most of them were our friends, but either way we still had a great time lots of laughs so it doesnt affect us all that much if you dont join in we were just trying to see if forgehub members wanted to have some fun with us
Yeah, that was a ppretty good recap and it looks like a ton of fun! How did the video upload when it is 10+ minutes! Whatever
I must say one of the coolest funnest custom games iv played in halo 3 to my date. It was not one of those customs where it is only fun for 2 or 3 games but for the whole time i enjoyed my self. Cool people in the party and great games non stop. Btw you did very good on the recap.The Video really just explained everything that needed to be explained
it can upload to 10:59 lol cuz it only registers in minutes but if its 11:00 you cant upload it its stupid lol but still thank you well im glad because i thought i didnt cover enough of your infection games, but if i do a recap for the next customs night ill be sure to focus a little more on your infections games so they can see what style they are because there were some other funny moments in the night i wanted to add but ill just do it next time, and next recap i should have sony vegas 9 pro s hopefully some more interesting video effects from now on in my vid but ill need to learn first lol. im assuming that you will be hosting again for the next custom games night whenever we decide to do that, maybe when spaz gets his internet back, as like a welcome back type thing because it might be fixed on friday