This map is on Assembly, and it plays a little different, but not that much. The map has as many aesthetics as Assembly will alow, lol Its a Covenant map with mainly Covenant weapons. Except for the BR's. Sword Base is wher Regen Used to be, Camo is where Rockets used to be, Beam rifles are underneath each base, with 60 sec respawn time. Theres a tube shield in each base middle streching from top to bottom. Not much else to explain, but the pictures will give you my ideas. PROTOCOL ~ Sword Station The windows allow you to see but not shoot. And theres a back panel so you dont fall off as easy. Regenerator Cove Camo Spawn Barrier Wall ( two per base, symetrical ) Shooting Through the Barrier Wall ( crouched ) Flag Spawn Theres an opening at the top of the tube shield to throw stickies into if a sword man camps in there. Have Fun, and Remember, It's Assembly, Theres not much you CAN do... lol DOWNLOAD LINKY
I think the idea of a bubble around the flag. It is pretty good for assembly. I'm starting to see some more of these good maps on assembly. The sword is placed in a good spot. The aesthetics are nice. Thanks for putting the time into making a good CTF map. Sorry if this wasn't constructive, but there isn't much else to say.
This looks like a nice rendition of Assembly. The weapon placement is pretty nice, although I must say that the Beam Rifles should have a longer respawn time, as they are a power weapon. What you did with the Tube Shields was... impressive, to say the least. I really do like the Sword Station, and the Barrier Walls are creative. But, like I said, you need to put the Beam Rifle respawn rate somewhere around 120(90 at the very least). Not much else to say about Protocol, as there isn't much you can do on Assembly. You did a fine job with what you were provided. I may give it a DL and test it out! -Pel
I think that it's a fun map even if there's not a HUGE WOW factor. It always seems like If the map isn't on Box or Foundry It'll just sink to the depths of the Forgehub Forums. So please just DL, and if you don't like it, nobody's telling you to keep it.
I felt you could have done maybe just a bit more. When I made my Assembly map, I found that you could float the blue crates to make new platforms, so maybe you could try that. Also, I feel that the beam rifles should have a longer respawn time. Other then that, I like where you placed the sword, and how you can shoot through those double barriers. I'd dl and give it a try, but I reached the limit of custom gametypes/maps. 8/10.
I also feel a bit more could have been done, and im not sure about the shields in the flag spawn, they only work above hammer because you cant camp there, you fall through, if someone were to touch a flag they could be invincable if it is a 1 hit kill. also: 60 second respawns on snipers? really? you can see directly across the map from almost any point. 3/5 for now
looks like fun. maybe i would delet the tube shield off the flag spawns. i think its to much camping there. but overall i cant give you more critic nice map
Well heres the thing, the enemy can get to it and camp with the flag in the shield, but he wouldn't dare to leave with you staring at him. He's trapped there, and you can throw grenades into the shield if you haven't noticed...
looks cool but what game types is this set up for? i also have a map called protocol link is in sig but mine is a conquest map or at least suppose 2 be.