Columbus Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DoTTii, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    As most of you know Str8 Rippin recovered from their 4th place performance at Meadowlands with a win at Columbus after beating Triggers Down 3-1 in both the Winners Bracket Finals and the Championship Series.

    So this thread is about showing your thoughts on Columbus. What surprised you or excited you most. Team Classic placing 4th after picking up Best Man and Chig or maybe Pistol and The Jets ripping a new asshole for the AM Bracket teams with their insane slaying power and placing 11th, or maybe even the fact that Karma and Naded and their golden tickets on the VG New Order team didn't even make it out of the AM bracket.

    So, what are your thoughts and feelings on MLG Columbus?

    NOTE: please don't complain about the Octoshape plugin, most of the MLG community already know it doesn't work well
  2. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    vG was the biggest surprise for me. I at least expected them to make it out of AM, haha. I also expected HaE to do a lot better, but I heard they didn't practice much so that explains their placing.
  3. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Wow, pistol and the jets made 11th? I saw them take down... I think it was Xit Woundz 3-0, so I thought they'd do pretty decently. But 11th?

    They actually had the crowd chanting their name quite a bit during that series.
  4. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    yup 11th, i think it was classic who knocked them out though. What amazed me the most though was that Pistol and the Jets had so little teamwork and still raped kids. They are as of at the moment the 16th seed at Dallas. I really wanna see more of them, especially Mimic.

    Also, vG has the 14th seed for dallas still so as long as they dont screw up the confirmation email again we will finally get to see some naded again and get a good look at tensor, thats if they keep him on the roster. First to get dropped will definitely be Tetra Shot though

    EDIT: Just so no one forgets, Sypher (Hynes X) is and FA and FB might be looking to drop fearitself after two poor tourny performances. It would be interesting to see all the mass tornado of team changes like last year when Walshy got dropped, The team I would personally love to see is:
    Karma, Naded, Strongside, Shockwave. That seems unlikely though seeing as they'd have to take the 14th seed with that team

    EDIT 2: Killer N is coming back, as of right now he is teaming with Omega and Insaiyan
    #4 DoTTii, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  5. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Do you have any stats on Vg? I'd like to know if tensor and tetra shot went positive or negative.
  6. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    no stats, but what i do know is Tetra did horrible.
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I knew Str8 would win.
    They're my favorite.
    Str8 Rippin for life!
    FB and Classic past Instinct OMG!!

    Sucks the the octoshape doesn't work because I REALLY wanted to watch :(
    So hyped for Dallas :D
    #7 RaBBiiTTT, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I don't see how you're surprised that FB did better than instinct. Although they dont really have any superstar names besides Ogre2 their players are just as talented as any other team on the circuit
  9. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Well, maybe it's because Instinct is my 2nd favorite in the whole Halo 3 MLG Pro circuit. They have a high amount of charisma, and FB usually places 3rd, 4th or 5th.

    Am I correct that they never placed above 3rd when they dropped Walshy?
  10. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I think you are correct. I am a bit biased as well seeing as I'm a FB fan. I think they got 2nd once though. I just think FB has some insane talent
  11. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    It's a good thing that Str8 won. Str8 has all the big corporate sponsorships, and many of these sponsors also sponsor MLG itself. If MLG is to grow and prosper, these corporations need to know their advertising and endorsements are working. Them being behind the #1 team definitely helps attract more attention towards growing and reaching out toward the 'gamer demographic'.

    Str8 needed to prove themselves after Meadowlands, too. It's a win-win for the circuit itself. Str8 is the best in the league and they deserve first, whether you like the players or not. I would've been happy with a win from tD or Instinct too, though.

    Ghostayame needs to find a new squad to mesh with. He's a clever player and can be utilized much more I think. Snipedown was impressive this tournament too. And we can't really be surprised about vG/Order and the AM bracket. Aren't 70+% of the players almost equally good slayers? It's the strategy and communication that often determines games.

    When you become a top team/player, the game changes. It's one thing to play against newbs who don't set up or watch weapon/CPU spawns. It's another thing to play against a team who does, and who planned strats for basically every situation on every map and gametype.
  12. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I really like TD, I wanted them to win, but considering that last season TD was by far the most inconsistent team, second place is an EXTREMELY important result to them. They prove to themselves and to everyone else that they can place constantly in the top, despite their lost.

    Beside all that, I really like the tournament, Defy played very well, Classic was a surprise, Walshy played quite different (going positive, but not necessarily better), Neighbor was good in the first 2 days, but not so much in the sunday, Hysteria didn't played very well the finals, but thats because Str8 played very well.

    But my favorite moment was, for sure, Pistola's Running Riot. Epic.
  13. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I didn't actually follow Columbus too much. About all I got was Friday Night Kick Off, ESPN Saturday Night and Championship Sunday. Anyone else not like that FNKO was ESPN 360 exclusive?

    What are these so called problems with Octoshape. I haven't had any problems.

    As for the tourney, there were two things that were interesting, one, Pistola's performance including the Running Riot, and second, the anti-climatic way the championship match went. I mean come on. It starts 3-1 and ends 6-1. At least the CTF game was interesting.
  14. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I agree with the championship statement. And while Pistola's running riot was amazing tD lost that game and because of more selfish play on pistola's part that might have cost them it.

    As for octoshape, a good amount of the MLG community had trouble with the octoshape stream to where it was too choppy to really watch. Many people were on streams on broadcasted by community members because of octoshape problems

    EDIT: Clutch is a F/A now
  15. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Thats a lie. Pistola was doing exactly what SK was telling him to do. Every time Pistola went to FB side of the map, SK told him to back up. He wanted him to keep doing what he was doing.
    They lost that game bacause they played, as a team, strategically wrong. They played
    defensively, more like a TS then CTF.
  16. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I didn't hear SK, guess that was my bad. And i said it was a reason not the reason
  17. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I know, I'm just saying that in my personal opinion, they all should have played less passive to win. Anyway, it was a great game.
  18. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Yea, SK was telling Pistola what to do all the time. So if it was anyone's fault it was SK's, not Pistola's. But tD still got 2nd, so they can't really complain.
  19. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    congrats to Str8, they did an awesome job. My favorite team is carbon and i think they need to drop cpt anarchy and try to pick up strongside, even though that prolly wont happen. carbon put up a good fight against str8 in winners round2 i think it was
  20. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    Actually, anarchy was dropped or left, he said so himself in the Dallas Predictions thread on MLGpro earlier today.

    There is alot of convincing evidence that Walshy has been dropped and Instinct is running games with Ghostayame and Walsh is running games with Carbon.
    If these rumors are in fact true the rosters for the two teams look like this:
    Instinct: Neighbor, Roy, Lunchbox, 4th (likely Ghostayame)
    Carbon: Walshy, Defy, Shockwave, 4th

    There is an interview tomorrow on ESPN with lunchbox, i will post a link up tomorrow here. It will hopefully clear up alot of things

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