Right now, I'm trying to build a map in the skybubble on Sandbox and I'm making the floor out of double walls. I check and make sure that they all fit together perfectly, then save and quit. I come back later and they are so crooked that you can't even walk across the floor. So I straighten them out again, save and quit; same results. I even tried interlocking every one and they still are skewed when I come back to the game. I am absolutely sure that they are perfectly flat when I end the game, so it's not an error on my part. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be going on and how I can fix it? As of right now, it's pretty much impossible for me to forge anything because a good 30% of the objects I place come out completely different after I save and quit. Thanks
There's really nothing that can be done about it. Try using huge or tall blocks instead of walls, it'll make a smoother floor and you won't get this problem.
Forge has always had this problem, it's just much more noticeable on Sandbox than it was on Foundry. The walls will tilt a certain direction based on each object's blue teardrop. When walls are laid flat, the pointy part of the teardrop tend to point slightly downward. Bungie provided a method of putting walls together to minimize the bumps, but even that is slightly unreliable. It's better just to analyze the problem and start putting the walls together slowly. You'll have to save and quit after placing every wall, but you can eventually get a pretty flat floor. You pretty much need to put two walls together where they both slant down, and then two walls together where they both slant up. For example, it'll look like this (only not at such sharp angles): /\/\ Edit: The picture posted by the user above is pretty much the idea, although like I said, even that method is unreliable. It doesn't always work exactly how you'd like, so it's better just to rotate the walls as you see fit.
After working on my racetrack on Avalanche, I can safely say this happens on more maps than just sandbox. Sometimes I'll try to make a banked turn of walls and barriers, and they will interlock into the guide after the save+quit when I'm absolutely sure they were perfect. I know it was mentioned in Bungie's article, but I thought I'd tell you myself. The best thing you can do is hold it down as much as possible and make sure the teardrops are all facing in the right direction.
Try right before you save hit the RT button. It will straighten the object a small bit but it make it stay the same after a S&Q. I started using man cannons instead which works 10 times better. So when you place walls on the ground to press RT and that should help a bit. By the way are you float saving or making a floor straight off the ground and it get skewed by just saving?
If you don't want to re-arrange the objects.. you can use teleporters. On a Foundation remake I'm creating/finishing, I had some trouble with using double walls as flooring. However, I did have limited success by placing teleporters on top of the walls before saving and ending the game. What ended up happening is that walls that normally moved actually stayed in place, and refused to pass through the teleporters. Keep in mind that success is limited while doing this.. because there will always be some sort of distortion.
It seems to depend on where and how you orient them. In reality.. if you cover up the entire wall double with wedge, larges... it doesn't move at all really. I guess it doesnt move because being interlocked with another object takes up more space than lying flat. It worked for me ravnz.. It will take work to get one wall to stay flat, so it will be tedious if you try to pin it down with teleports or a block double.