Hello Forgers, Tis Jzzkc, I haven't been on in a while (due to schoolwork and projects) however I feel that, with summer coming up... it's time to announce my intent to helping any lacking forgers here on forgehub. I figure that these session can be on saturdays, and last as long as you stick around to learn. I could even put together forging tests to see what you retain, and how quickly you perform different methods. Forging maps should be a speedy process, so it's important to know how to execute glitches quickly to save time. If you are interested in these classes, then send a message to xXJiMbOjAmXx and I'll add your name to a list. You can also post here if you want. This is ideally for newer, less experienced forgers. I will be including lessons ranging from geo-merging to interlocking, to floating methods, and strategic planning. So, if you're interested... add a reply. Of course, for those who do sign up, I request that you follow the honor code, meaning that I expect ya to be on your best behavior while I are teaching (but you can still have funz So discuss, and let me know what you guys think. Once everybody posts and this thread becomes inactive, I'll update the post with available spots and times once my school year ends and I'm able to start classes. Classes will be small (due to lag issues) so I'll have to work in anybody who signs in. Say a little something about yourself too, how much you know about forging, and how much time you can dedicate... that way I have a good idea of where to group people in classes based on skill.
I figure that since nobody else has posted on this subject, it is widely unwanted... and therefore unnecessary. As a result, the previously classes offered are hereby indefinitely postponed. If enough people reply saying they would like classes, then I would be happy to start them up again. However, as it seems nobody is interested. Sorry Drummerguy, doesn't look like anybody wants to commit to times. If anybody is interested and just didn't notice this post, I have advanced knowledge in: - Interlocking (X and Y axis. Both Positive and Negative Values) - Geomerging (X and Y axis. Both Positive and Negative Values) - Interlocking+Geomerging (X and Y axis. Both Positive and Negative Values) - Accurately Floating (With and Without Braces) - Working with Moveable Objects - Switches (Not incredibly advanced, haven't messed with these much) - Interlocking and Geomerging at 1 specified angle - Interlocking and Geomerging at 2 specified angles - Map planning and tactics - Utilizing Glitches (Such as overloading) to make more efficient maps - Extensive knowledge for uses of Run Time Minimum, Run Time Maximum. - Problem Solving and Creativity (Know how and techniques to fix badly places objects) - Advanced map planning (Measurements) for complete accuracy
Well the idea is to teach people everything under the spectrum, starting with highest demand to lowest. However if I can't get 5 people or more to sign up, then it may not be worth doing the classes. While I'd like to do the classes now, I have finals coming up... two projects (One is 65% done) to finish, and other various papers all due at the end of the year. Needless to say, I've been buried in work.
I'd essentially be putting together a list, but as I keep mentioning, it doesn't look like there will be enough people to be productive. I'm hoping for at least 4.. optimistically 6.. but it probably won't happen.
I'd like to learn about that stuff you listed...I really love the things you guys do on here. I'd like to be able to do it too. btw I can't go on Xbox Live until I get rehooked up next Wednesday.
Well that's Four Uuh, all you have to do is give me your Gamertags, and I'll shoot you a FR. Since it seems like Wednesday is the earliest we can do it.. we'll plan from there. Next week however I'm getting certified to be a lifeguard... so it can either in the morning, or later in the day. Let me know when you guys are available, and I'll work my schedule around that and then get you updated.
Hey i like the idea of taking forging classes i mainly need help with glitches and geo merging. I have made a few maps before if you want to check them out to see what i need to learn.
You can Go ahead and sign me up as well im extremely interested in forge and would like to learn to work with it as a pro Catch me sometime. My acct name is DN IAmKira DN cya in class
Haha! I just need to learn all the advanced techniques...come to think of it, I just need all the techniques! And the evening works better for me.
Awesome, more people than I expected.. also I realized the gamertags are under your names, so no need to update your posts or anything -.- I'll start putting together a lesson plan and building maps to make it go smoothly I suppose.. and I don't want the classes to take forever, so how does spreading it over two days sound. Wednesday and Thursday next week sound alright? Keep in mind guys, I do know a lot of fancy tricks like making words with teleporters.. but I'm going to try and keep it strictly the main techniques, such as geomerging, interlocking, floating, switches, planning, etc. As of this current moment, the first class planned for next wednesday and thursday is filled up.
well if you added me i wont be able to get on next wed or thurs ....vacation sorry so you can put someone else in my spot but i would definetly be in for another time
No problem guys, actually I'm moving the classes to next monday, sorry for any inconveniences... but all of the sudden my parents said I need a job, and the best thing available was lifeguarding. So it happens that this week is all lifeguard certification, which means I don't really have much time to get onto XBL.. at all. Next monday should be alright with me.. I'll start sending out FR's this weekend to get everybody organized.