Mythic DLC ODST Facility

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Nobody Worthy, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    • Map/Gametype Creators
      • Vorpal Saint
      • xKUMBAx
    • Map Download Link
    • Gametype Download links
    • Honor Rules
      • NO duel weilding guns.
      • You don't have to wear an ODST helmet (or a Recon helmet) --but it does make the mini-game feel more real.
      • NO more than 4v4's. Anymore may mess up the spawning.
    How to play each gametype:

    Some common settings of each gametype:
    Each player will have no shields, instead they have 300% damage resistance. There is no radar and there is no waypoints (meaning you can't clearly tell where your teammates are). Everyone is forced the color Black. Everyone does 75% damage. Headshot Immunity is turned on. Everyone runs at 90% speed and there is 150% gravity. Each player starts with an SMG and a magnum there are no starting grenades and there are no grenades on the map. There are five rounds and each round can last up to seven minutes. The custom power ups last 10 seconds and give a player 500% damage resistance and they can run a 100% speed. Each player has one life per round though in some gametypes that rule is altered a tad (I'll explain when I get to them)... and well that's about it.

    ODST Control
    ODST Control is a 1-sided VIP gametype. It works very similar to normal slayer in where you get one point for killing somone. However, if you kill the VIP then you get two points. There is a goal in the other team's base in which if the VIP gets in it, then the team with the VIP will get five points. Though I shall warn you now, it's no easy task. Protect your VIP and kill the other team to have a better chance of winning!

    ODST Plots
    The way ODST Plots works is like so... it's like normal terrortories 'cept for the fact if you die, you're out of lives. However, if a terrirtory is captured and you were dead, then you'll come back to life. If you're "defending a terrirtory" (standing in the capture zone of it while it's yours) then you'll have 500% resistance and 100% speed. Capture as many terrortories as you can and stop the other team at all cost!

    ODST Training
    ODST Training, much like ODST Control is based around slayer teamwork. However, in this type you get two points for assisting in a kill. You wont get any points for killing by yourself, so be sure to get those team shots in. If you take out the whole enemy team then you'll get a point. So even if you don't work as a team, you'll be rewarded (though, you're better of working as a team). Stick together, shoot as one, and you'll go home happy.

    ODST Bomb Squad
    Although ODST Bomb Squad is a Neutral Assualt set up, it plays very similar to a 1-bomb twist. The bomb spawns in the attackers base and it's their job to plant it in the defenders base. If they fail to do so though, then the defenders counter-attack and arm the bomb in the attackers base! If you die in this gametype you'll come back to life, but in an area of the map where you can't do anything. Reasoning being is if your whole team was out of lives then the round ends... meaning if you killed all the defenders berfore arming the bomb, then you'd get no point. Don't worry, being a zombie can be rather fun so you can still have fun jumping around really fast in a caged area. Get the bomb, plant it, and run like hell before it goes off.

    ODST Control
    ODST Control is very similar to ODST Bomb Squad in the sense if you die then you'll come back as a zombie. The first team to get to the enemy base and pick up the flag wins the round. But be careful not to let the other team sneak by you. Or worse. Kill you.

    ODST Kings
    Probably the most ingenious of all the gametypes, ODST Kings forces one of your teammates to stay at the spawn while the other three go forth and either kill or be killed. The way it works is the hill covers both starting spawns and if you control the hill uncontested then you gain one point which'll end the round. To make it uncontested, you must kill the enemy ODST that is in the hill. Don't worry about that ODST hurting you either, if you're in the hill you do 0% damage (unless of course you turn your back to them)... Plus there is no real place for them to hide, so it'll be easy pickings once you get pass the three other ODST's gunning you down. Oh, and be sure if you're in the hill by yourself NOT to step out. You'll lose it for your team.

    Alright, so there's how the gametypes work. Though, I'm sure you all will get a better feel by actually playing them. While testing, everyone seemed to enjoy each gametype. So now that the only real thing that is left is to show of the actual map! So instead of babbling on about the map, here it is!

    Attackers Spawn

    Attackers Sniper (symmetrical only)

    Attackers Shotgun (symmetrical only)

    Attackers Rockets (asymmetrical only)

    Attackers Weapon Stash (four SMGs and Magnums)

    Attackers AR

    Attackers 1st CP

    Attackers 2nd CP

    Neutral Turret Spawn (symmetrical only, its automatically off its stand)

    Defenders Spawn (symmetrical spawn, their asymmetrical spawn is around were their shotgun spawns)

    Defenders Symmetrical Sniper Spawn

    Defenders Asymmetrical Sniper Spawn (Note, you'll have to open the door first to get the sniper)

    Defenders Shotgun Spawn (symmetrical only)

    Defenders Weapon Stash

    Defenders AR Spawn

    Defenders 1st CP Spawn (a turret will spawn in this area in asymmetrical games as well)

    Defenders 2nd CP Spawn

    So there you have it. At this time I would like to all who helped test each and every gametype and a big thank you to my friend kumba for helping me forge the map... and of course thank you for dropping in and downloading the map/gametypes. :)

    ~Be seeing you around soldiers. ;)
    #1 Nobody Worthy, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  2. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    this map actually looks pretty decent nothing to big but nothing left out good job 4/5
  3. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Awsome it is posted.Really Vorpal,no action shots.There were some good moments and besides,reconz.Anyways I love the king of the hill game and the bomb squad variant is my second favorite.I just think the thing where you get trapped in the one room with all of your teamates.Overall the gameplay is amazing.Nice job Saint!
    (Quoted for epic fail.)
    Play the map before you comment.And the gameplay is the reall bomb in this one.Dont like it til' you try it.
    #3 Silva Sniper, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  4. FlameRazor

    FlameRazor Ancient
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    that deserves a spot in BF (bungies favorites)
  5. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    *Also quoted for epic fail
    Hey Vorpal, I'm glad to see something posted on Orbital. Its such a great map to work on, but I don't see alot done on it. Anyways, I'll admit i haven't played yet, but I will be sure to get a game of this during (removed due to advertising)'s Weekend of Win. It is disappointing though that someone of your reputation for creativity has only come up with a map where ODSTs fight. But forget about all that, I'll add a review if I can tonight!
  6. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
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    This lookes like a great map and i would dl if I didn't have red ring, But i'm intreged, how did you get the turret to spawn of it's holster thing?
  7. ABQ Maxington

    ABQ Maxington Ancient
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    love it. bomb is fun and so is VIP. i like that it is on orbital because almost no maps are on orbital. 4/5
  8. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Eh? May I ask how?


    The map and idea are extremely genuine. Well I've seen similar ideas attempted but this one nailed it. I don't see the map having any major physical altercations other than weapon and spawn placement, but the game play (from the description) sold it.
  9. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Looks epic dude you accually got it up today too, lol
    ...LOL BOX = promises <3

    I'll download and check it out, since theres not much to do on Orbital, but I still love it, I wanna make the best BOMB game on Orbital, this inspires it :D
  10. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    cool map, i like the overall idea of it and i'm also guessing this is going to be played at your Forge day.
  11. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Wow. This looks awesome. I'm glad that you set it up for most every gametype (all the good ones at least). The map looks good. You have a nice starting set up for each team as well. I just have one question: Do you know how long I've been trying to make an ODST gametype?
    That's right, I've been trying to make an ODST gametype for seven months. That's longer than half a year! Do you want to know how many versions I've gone through?
    Eleven different versions. How is that even possible?

    Here, let my tell you about them:
    My favorite out of all of them was the original VIP gametype on Sandtrap, but that was too long ago. And here you come, making and releasing this well-though out, complete ODST game. Good job!

    EDIT: Nine of the traits you described are the same as in my gametype. I must have something good going with it.
    #11 Sotha Sil156, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  12. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    My guess is that Vorpal used a "Drop Spawn". It's used in MLG maps, but I've never seen it used like this. At the beginning of the round/game, the turret spawns in mid-air and drops to the ground breaking it off the tripod. You are far enough away from the dropped turret that you can't hear it or see the broken remains by the time you get to it.

    Very creative Vorpal. :)
  13. RolandDeschain

    RolandDeschain Ancient
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    Wow you beat me to making this map. Good job by the ways. Looks like a lot of fun and some good moments. 4/5 GOOD JOB!
  14. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    There was actually a lot of thought put in to the building of the map. We wanted to have a kind of "sneaky" ~hide behind cover~ feeling map... and I think we pulled that off. Remember, it's not how good the forging is, it's how fun the game plays. ;) Also, don't think for a second that I was using my creative skills in this map. Most of the core creativity is in the gametypes themselves. Trust me, when you play them, you'll see how creative I was. :) I hope to see a good review from you too! :D

    Yeah, sorry, I was going to have some but I really didn't feel like have 40+ screenshots for my thread (and yes, that's how many I figured I need)... lolol, yeah, the reconz was actually a nice touch since I wanted the gameplay to get people ready for Halo 3: ODST. So it's kind of a moral booster. I guess. And yes, fellow hubbers you should really play the map first (like Sniper Out has) and then post. :)

    I know what BF is. ;) ~And that'd be cool. I'm actually going to work on a post for the bungie blogs about the map and gametypes. I hope urk will put it.

    This is actually my third map on Orbital (first being conquest, second being a 3v3 small map with covie themed weapons, and now this)... but thanks for the comment.

    Of course! :D

    lolol, thanks for that post, I really hope you enjoy it and yeah you must. :) know... actually... that MAY have been a better idea (though I think the turret would actually just float in the air)... how I pulled it off was set the turret to never spawn and have a fusion coil right next to it (also on never spawn) --and a fusion coil spawns above it (as high as it can be... and also... on a never spawn) and it drops on it blowing it off the "tripod" as you called it. :p
  15. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    I know you're attempting to recreate the ODST settings, and you did do it well for the most part. But there are a few things you need to fix.

    Alright, yes, I'm aware ODST's are slower and don't jump as high as spartans, but you all forget about proportions, they're also smaller. So while in reality they're not running as fast, it seems as though you're running the same speed. I would put the gravity on 125%, as 150 seems a little too strong.

    Second off, I would leave sheilds on, but make it so that they don't recharge, which would be more accurate to what ODST will look like. I'd stick the damage resistance however to 75% however, and leave normal damage on.
  16. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    ^^you can't have 125 gravity.
  17. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Twilight Snipe
    You should read the giant wall of text that was my first post in this thread. What you just described was basically the original idea I used in the very original version (the Slayer one) of my ODST game, which I made seven months ago. . . . and never finished. I'm actually still working on it. You should read the post.

    I quickly realized that I couldn't have the ODST's with no shields if I wanted to have headshots still active, so after much testing, I came up with this:
    • 90% damage resistance
      normal shields
      50% shield recharge (in HALO 3: ODST, their health recharges)
      125% damage
      90% speed
      150% gravity
      no radar
      etc. . .
    Oh, and just so you know, I wanted 125% gravity, but I couldn't have it. : (

    Vorpal Saint
    I'm glad that I was able to play your ODST game the day it was released. The few gametypes I played were all great fun. While the traits don't really feel like ODST's to me (I guess I just picture them being much easier to kill, considering they don't have shields), the traits you set up are well-thought out and are best for you game. I look forward to playing the gametypes we weren't able to play (everything except KOTH, Assault, CTF, and Territories), as I'm sure they are all great fun as well.

    You also gave me an idea for what I could do for my tactical game. You know how the traits were the only constant throughout all of the gametypes? Well, rather than having one, perfect gametype like I wanted for several maps like Agents is, I could have several good gametypes for a few maps, like your game. I certainly hope that works. If it does, Substation Relay may end up as more than an Agents map after all, almost like I had originally planned it being.
    #17 Sotha Sil156, Jun 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  18. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    I know for sure this would be very cool te do in a Tournament.

    I like the idea of an ForheHub's ODST tournament, where several teams compete againste eachother in this type of gametypes, maybe with 1 more map or so.

    Who's with me?

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