YouTube - Garage Door in Halo 3 A little motion tracking and a garage door make a pretty convincing scene...
Nobody needs to see this.Please keep it to yourself it really is not entertaining or does not really move us in a way.This would rather fit in off topic.And ERICO please stay on topic.The effect is pretty cool overall.
I could see that being very useful in machinima. This does belong in the video section because it is a video.
I actually really like this effect and would like to know how you did it. Did you use Sony Vegas? But yeah, only people who are interested in making films care about the effects. So don't listen to these guys.
That is pretty cool, but I doubt anyone will ever use the clip. I suggest you post a tutorial on how to do this instead. I am a movie maker btw. I use FCP. =)
This belongs here. End of discussion. He might of used Sony Vegas to render the final version, however Sony Vegas is incapable of motion tracking. My first guess would be Adobe After Effects, though I am not 100% certain that it can motion track. So my second guess would be Shake. I think he was just posting this here to show that it can be done. However, Final Cut Pro cannot do this, though perhaps it would be a possible addition in a future version. With their Smooth Cam, it is already tracking very specific portions of the shot in order to smooth out the shake. However, it is also quite a leap to do the same through "3D space" persay. Overall, wonderful effect. Which programs did you use so I can stop speculating?
Sweeny, I'm 99% sure it was After Effects. My friend also made a door exactly like this, but rather like how RoosterTeeth did it for RvB: Reconstruction in Foundry. Same basic principle. It requires alot of keyframing. Damn, I might actually need to do something like this for a video. Too bad my After Effects doesn't work.
The door in RvB was done using Sony Vegas 7. They cut the frame into two bits, making the door a still image in between the areas above and below it. I don't know the exact effect that they used, but they may have used a transition to move the door up and out of the frame. They would have then overlayed the entire clip onto a clip of standoff. However, this effect differs from the one shown here, because the theatre mode camera was not moving in the RvB effect, whereas it is moving in a rough circular motion here. So please tell us how you did this OP.