While playing around on one of my puzzle maps I discovered something. When you take a custom powerup (Setting: no shields, 10% damage resistance) you then run into a bouncing object between shield doors (vehicle or soccer ball) you will take one thing of damage and live (do this before the powerup wheres off) your shields should come back normaly and everything will seem fine. if you try to beat down anything or use an exposive weapon within 40 feet you will die. the effects last about 30+ seconds. This makes it where if you don't want killing in a certain area it is punishible by death (even if you don't kill the person) I discovered it when I was playing my puzzle map and my friend lunged at me with a sword and he died not me so I went to determine the effects by many trials now I have it all figured out.
Yes. this is old, and is also how you clone yourself (must be leader, detaching turret while in that state makes you die, but your body doesn't fall. only works for C.H) People have used this in puzzles, purposely wanting you to either clone yourself or kill yourself like that. It's very very old, but good job finding it on your own.
haha ya i figured that out once... I was testing a trigger on one of my maps... I go to beat down a pallet.. then BOOM