...To convert a Guitar Hero II Guitar Controller into a Functioning, wireless Guitar Hero II Guitar? 'Cause my sister, in anger of sucking at the game, Decided to beat it against the floor in anger, And now it won't work! Help Please?
You might be able to with some wire splicing and adding a wireless transmitter and making a wireless receiver, but honestly unless your an electrical engineer or something, I doubt it. I think it's time for a new guitar controller :/
How to Make guitar hero 2 controller - Instructables search Instructables Thats the only place you will find anything that is for begginers and well instructed if you have no electrical skills...
Thank you both, Yeah its annoying cause i want to keep the game but its hard to play with a standard controller But thanks, i'll try and see how soon i can make that guitar, Stupid Parental Controls...:frustrated: