Well the beta was last night. It was pretty fun, at least until I figured out I was just in the audience. I wasn't ACTUALLY playing for anything. I was a little confused when it was done, and I'm sure others were too. Use this as a question thread if you'd like, once mine is already answered. My question: How the f do you get into the mob?
How do I get to be the One? Can I be the One more than once You must have an adult Xbox LIVE account and select “Public” as your 1 vs 100 Privacy setting. This makes you eligible to be The One but it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be selected. No player will be allowed to step into the role of the One more than once per season during the US-Canadian Beta. How do I get into the Mob? Can I be in the Mob more than once? You must select “Public” as your 1 vs 100 Privacy setting. This doesn’t guarantee you’ll be in The Mob, but it makes you eligible for possible selection at the staging of any given round. You can be in The Mob just once per episode. This was taken directly from the 1vs100 FAQ's. I'm sure they have any answer to any question you have.
Yes, it is free to play. And I personally think this thread is pointless when pretty much any question you can possibly can ask in this thread, is probably answered in the 1vs100 FAQ's.
Flash points wrong i was in the mob once but i was in the 2,000's of people there also i hated it becasue when i was in the mob the guy got out early and i got nothing becasue it was to small to split i calculated it myself it would have been like 10.8 or something The main reason i like it is because i finally put my thousands of random trivia to use so my friends get carried by me mostly. Being in the mob puts some streess on you but we got easy qusetions Ex. What is a Seahorse? x.bird a.Crustatean b. fish obviously it is a fish