Ever played an infection game where it really, really sucked to be a zombie? If so, you just might enjoy this variation I made. Links first, scroll down to see what it's about; ::download map variant:: ::download gametype:: This is the human holdout, with weapons/equipment as labeled. Weapons/equipment/layout are symmetrical on two axis, so there are 4 of everything (except for the 1 missile pod). There are unlimited plasma/firebomb grenades on the center platform. Humans have unlimited ammunition (trust me, they need it), but the weapons/equipment on the map do not respawn, so only 4 players can have rocket launchers, etc. Spawn weapon is the AR. Equipment should be use sparringly. Humans can use the grav lifts (instant respawn) to reach the scaffolding or the center area. The scaffolding doesn't have cover but can only be reached by zombies on foot (using the grav lifts). The center area has cover but is vulnerable to vehicles launching across the ramps. This is the zombie spawn. The vehicles here have delayed spawns, beginning with mongeese that are available at the beginning of the round. Every 30 seconds a new vehicle type will spawn in the order of: ghosts, choppers, warthogs, banshees, and finally a single wraith. Spawn weapon is, of course, the sword. The zombies have slow movement speed to encourage them to use vehicles. They have no shields but have enough of a health boost to compensate. Their spawn is elevated to prevent humans from stealing their vehicles. If you accidentally fall off the platform without a vehicle, walk into the teleporter below to die (it is a better alternative than slowly walking all the way to the humans). Humans CAN jack vehicles. There's no honor rule about not doing so, it is just the zombies fault for letting it happen. Here's some pics to show things off: At the start of the round, the zombies should rush the humans on mongeese If they're lucky, they'll catch them off-guard while they are gathering weapons If they're not lucky, they'll meet a barrage like this one Once ghosts spawn, the zombies can pelt the humans from a safe distance, forcing them to take cover or use up their valuable equipment. These towers are a great place to hold out with a bubble shield, since vehicles can't reach you (unlike the center area). Just watch out for zombies coming up the grav lifts The center area has some cover and is unreachable by zombies on foot, but you'll have to watch out for vehicles flying overhead. Once the missile pod spawns, you'll know that the zombies have access to banshees. (the gauss hogs have been removed, but the regular variety is still around) There is only one missile pod, so use the ammo carefully Careful on the towers That's one problem solved And now one very big problem remains This is why you want to save your bubble shields One human doesn't stand a chance *This map variant was built using the 'Sand-Blasted' canvas (laser towers blocked off). The file says its author was Time Glitch, so thanks for that.
I've seen a few onslaught themed maps, but this one seems to be epic. I can imagine the battle scenes where humans are shooting out in all direction with vehicle flying everywhere and epic double kills. I actually like this map, one thing that add to the carnage would be if the zombies spanwed in different areas, like at four points around the map, just so human dont (somehow) run up there with rockets and destroy all the vehicles.
Wow, this looks like a ton of fun. Vehicles are the most fun part of Halo 3 and the vehicle/infection mix has me salivating. DL'ing, just really wish I had people to custom with.
Thanks I actually thought about something about that, but then you might have a situation where too many people spawn at one of the four points and there aren't enough vehicles there. It is way easier and less problematic just to have one spawn point. Keep in mind, that is a long distance for the humans to walk in order to rocket the vehicles. Sure, they could try, but it is a lot more likely the zombies will run them down in ghosts well before they could cause any real damage
so its a clusterf*ck of vehicles huh? thats freakin awesome! i can't wait to play this man haha it seems so simple yet so fun. no lasers right?
Hi i think this looks pretty awsome i am very hard to get a dl from but this is definitly one of those maps that does i personally have never played an onslaut map but i think i might like onslaut looks well made like how things come in at a certain time