The Guards This is a small, perfectly symmetrical map I made. It is good for MLG and other competitive game types. The reason I did not post it on the MLG forum is because I feel that it would make the game to tied to MLG. If you can play on this map however you want, play MLG 2 Flag. Epic. The spawn points are facing each other through two energy shields. behind the shield spawn there is no rail, preventing spawn cannon. A man cannon is located next to both sides starting point, with a BR near it. These man cannons will launch you to the "roof" of the level, right on top of a Sniper Rifle spawn. Most people will have as pretty good view of you up there. Directly bellow the sniper, in the "arena" there is a shotgun. The key to winning is to secure both power weapons and retreat back to your base. All game types are supported,and uless your playing a badly-made infection game, the game should be totally fair. I encourage you to try out every built-in game type. Since this is a small map, with a lot of weapons, I half recomend playing team SWAT, as the level is not built specificaly for it, like most levels supporting team SWAT. I'll make a SWAT guards level later. Pleae, feel free to post your opinions as par the site rules. Don't spam, just tell me if you liked it or not, and why. Rember, I will make a version 2.
hi and welcome to forge hub. hrers a couple of tips for your post. check this link: for details on how to post pics of your maps and check this for forum rules:
Here: i went ahead and posted your pictures for you so that everyone doesn't flip out. You still need to add pics to your thread even though i posted them. I only did this so that people will actually look into your map. You also need to add a download link and it also helps to post a weapons list etc. Spoiler First off, this isn't an MLG map. From my understanding there is a shotgun, sniper rifle, and a gravity hammer, which disqualify it from being an MLG map. You also may want to get rid of the mancannons because it would be really cheap in a game of Capture The Flag. You also state in your thread that the key is to grab the power weapons and retreat back to your base, which isn't the way your supposed to play halo, let alone an MLG gametype. The map itself isn't very impressive, and i would recommend interlocking on a few spots to make the gameplay smoother, which is especially important in a small MLG/Competitve map. It also seems that there are too many places to fall and too much jumping involved. In your v2, you need to straighten a few things out and make your map much smoother. I also recommend adding some more area to play, such as a second level. Overall-3.5/5
Tty Thanks for being so blunt, I'll work on it. . . Yeah, I didn't merge a single object in this map, I a just kinda defaulted to my "build symmetrical map. I'm going to build a larger map more suited to CTF in sky box. I apologize for the poor quality.