Map Title: employee real working pooping employee Download Map Description:its a guy on a toilet from bungie! working bungie employee on the pot reading a book that says we heart bungie. made by chartedlife an stevenh32200. i have pics! the employee the toilet finally the veiw from the eyes sorry there so small click on them to enlarge them
Lucky Day! I never got to do this before... This Map post does not meet the standards. Please Read This Topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
ok this is to funny i played on it with my friend and he got hit by one of the craps and he was like well that ones a sinker
i dont see why bungie would get mad at this, they would probably just laugh they have a sense of humor too yah know..
sorry to be offtopic, but: Ace, are you gonna tell him to use photobucket to fix the thumbnail-ness? Because, if so, that's just wrong. On imageshack, there are 6 codes, he probably used one that says thumbnail, if he used it.
Wow there is a lot of spam here but I guess that all you can really do is laugh. This is a great map though I have trouble seeing the small pictures. People have been making these statues on avalanch but i am glad you did it here. Love the view of the toilet with the dumpsters in it. Bungie wil NOT hate you for this. They have a sense of humour and will probably put it somewhere for everyone to see. Just send it to them good job 10/10