Read the awesome article in the newest issue of EGM.. This game is going to be INSANE!! i can't wait for it to FINALLY come out after it's stupid delay..
I dunno, but the usual Grand Theft Auto is a bore to me. Same thing over and over again. I never tried it on LIVE though...
GTA 4 is going to have Live incorperated? How awesome would that be, have two snipers up on buildings covering 2-3 others that are taking hold in a building. :squirrel_wtf:
Yeah it sounds cool, but one of the "features" is all the girls accounts are locked to being strippers, so you won't get to walk around seeing them all the time like in the regular game...
This is a very interesting article. Clicky Says that GTAIV will have 15 multi player modes. And after looking at what some of them are, I think I am definitely getting the game now. But to get the special edition or not is the real question...