Introducing my new map, EMP warfare Plasma pistol underpowered? Blasphemy! Built in the (guess what?!) sky bubble, it consist of 2 platform, and on each one, a transport hornet. Everyone is invincible, so your only way to kill is to have your passenger shoot plasma pistol bursts at the enemy. Its strangely addictive. I added a power drainer as a super bomb, but I am not sure its that good yet. Feedback will be greatly appreciated, as it is still not v1. I plan to add a new gametype then. DOWNLOAD HERE: Map: Map Gametype: gametype (updated new mode/gametype) Clips: Clip 1 Clip 2 Screenshots: Compensation is key. Standing on top of the hornet may be risky, but it can pay off.... "JUMP FOR IT!" - Captain Price Target hit! Trying to camp on the platform? The unholy apocalypse of grenades will throw you off.
with 2 hornots and 2 walls for the map this might actually be fun but i would suggest to put details to make the map a little more "enticing" anyways 3/5 just use some more detail
A thing about the game is it should be nothing but the transport hornets fighting each other. Any suggestions how I can make it more "enticing"? (Like the griffball court, its supposed to be bare)
I'm going to suggest you put obstacles or things on the sides for aesthetics, this gametype actually looks like it has lots of potential as a great minigame, but it seems kind of bland right now. EDIT: And plasma pistol is NOT underpowered. Just as good as a shotgun, and even better if you use the 'combo'. :3