this is a very cool map, i like maps designed for doubles/multiteam (as a sidebar I'm hoping that's the next Atlas theme) and this map pulls it off well. The only thing I can suggest for this map is to make some way to get to the platform w/o jumping... grav lift, a block, something, because unless you bumper jump, a jump can disrupt a player during a firefight, so i think players should at least have the option of a jumpless route, even if it is more time costly. But I still think this map is awesome so 4.5/5
thanks for the comment buddy, I was queering over that and have alot of budget and item limit space left so i will but the next descision is where i put it in as in most cases it wil disrupt something but thanks for the comment and review!
yes i will do this but unfortunately it will probably be next week sometime or this weekend if i can find the time but i doubt it. I'm hoping it will be a hit. I'm aso changing the name but i will make this very clear in the post. thanks for the positive comments and please keep them coming all comments are really appreciated.
I absolutely love this map. The map is amazing for Crazy King, and I'd love to see this in MM. I'm glad you suggested my settings for Flag. It also has a very fine balance of aesthetics and gameplay values. I'd like to see this in Team Doubles, so please submit it to Atlas for me. xD Spoiler
i think its a little bit to small for 2vs2, but perfect for 1vs1. i like that you interlock alomost everything. maybe you could merge you flag points that it look a little bit cleaner. but overall its a very good layout u got somme good ideas 4.5/5
Thanks meltyourtv! Always a pleasure and thanks for the positive feedback, and i will check out Atlas but isnt there a specific type of map you submit? Anyways thanks. Thanks for the positive comments man! I will consider your opinins for a v2 thanks!
it's a good map with some nice forging, gameplay looks balanced too. It looks bigger than I had anticipated..... OOOH! I like that, weapons on the wall, it's always good to see some thought out weapon placment! 4.7/5
This map suites 2v2 gameplay perfectly. In my opinion the map is of perfect size and the weapon placements are well placed and balanced. The size of the map makes gameplay very fluent and fast paced. Me and my firends enjoyed playing this! Nice job.
great for 1v1 didnt get a chance to play it 2 v 2 yet, but i'm sure its action packed! very nice interlocking, layout design, everything!
Haha, i glad you like it and i did put some effort into the spawns. Thanks for the comment. Wow, thanks for the comment, some people have been critising the size so im glad to here this. Thanks once again for the positive comment, and im pleased you like it!
I love 2v2 maps and the like and this was just outstanding, last night i played this with 3 mates and it was such fun and very competitive. I also tried 1v1 which was very fun indeed aswell. This should get featured but i also think a version 2 would defo get featured. Amazing map 5/5
Hey congrats on all the attention this map's getting. Anyway I did play it with just BRs and it had a great arena feel to it, I loved it, my friends loved it, their friends liked it too. Great map man 5/5
The middle upper walkways made with walls weren't merged very well with the boxes. If you look in picture #3 you can see how it's not merged the same on both sides. Pics #6 and #7 show exactly what I mean. The blue side isn't as nice as the red side where it merges with the huge block. Not a big deal, but something you should fix in a v2. Oh, and it would be nice if you could merge all the tube sections into the block floor insted of using the ramps to make it smooth. There were a few other things on blue side that wasn't quite right. Basicly blue sides needs fixed just a little to match red side better.
wow, thnaks man and yes i am trying to fin time to forge but a bit tricky atm, thanks for the comment! Thanks so much shea! Always a pleasure. And im glad people are liking my map!
Hey, Killer, I played this at a clan night with my clan. Some people went of for a bit so we had time to play a good old 2v2 match and it was a blast and everyone liked. I thought id post this because we really did have so much competitive fun! PEACE
Looks like a great small map. Forged pretty well, the side of the catwalk annoys me though. I'm just being picky, dw. Not my style, but good map.
Cheers will im glad you played it and glad that all your frieds liked it aswel! Thanks for liking it even though its not your style. Is it the whole size factor or how its forged? Anyway thanks for the comments! Keep them coming