Updates - Fixed human spawn so you cannot jump down to the zombie spawn. - Fixed random little details and moved some objects around. - Fixed tank's powerup. Hey, this is my first map post on FH, so be gentle. I've been keeping up with the post in the forge discussion about the L4D Survival Remakes. I've had this idea ever since I actually played Survival on Left 4 Dead to make a well, survival map. So without further ado, to satisfy those of you who want to read stories (and for those who read via pictures and big bold words skip down) I say to you... You're on your own buddy. I present to you my Left 4 Dead survival original map and gametype. Before anyone goes off on a rampage, I give credit to: Eternal Reconnaissance, CheeseJam, Cheddarboy, and MetaWaddleDee1 for their basic ideas. Here's a great thread with a collaborative effort to make more maps like this: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/68012-halo-3-l4d-survival-remakes.html On to my map description: You and your fellow survivors have been graced with immunity to the infection the has plagued all others around you. This however does not stop the infected from wanting you dead and out of the way. After fighting through hordes and hordes of these monsters, your crew is exhausted. You cannot keep this up much longer... you need to get out of the city. You manage to find a working radio and even luckier, there is a brave pilot on the station evacuating survivors and he agrees to meet your group on the roof of a nearby office building. After noticing some nice healthy humans entering their building, a particularly large gathering of special infected head for the rooftops and lie in wait for their newest meal. Oh what's this? One of those flying machines with another meal inside? Finally! You and your surviving crew just rampaged through the offices, killing every single zombie you found. Your team takes a minute to rest up. Ahead of you are some ventilation shafts that lead to the roof. Hey another lucky break! Someone left some weapons in these shafts. When you finally make it to the rooftop you radio the pilot. Hmm... not responding. Maybe he just turned it off. What was that noise? You desperately call into the radio for the pilot. He won't answer... Looks like.. (do I have to say it?) </story> "You're on your own buddy." is an original survival map that I have play-tested and fixed. It is built in the crypt and the skybubble. Alot of the budget went to creating the floor in the skybubble but that does not mean the map lacks. It is actually the perfect size and well suited for gameplay. The infected spawn in the crypt on the floor, and have 1 minute to wait while the survivors prepare above. Don't fret! The zombies can have some fun with the golf ball/hole tucked away in the corner. Lol. The humans spawn in the crypt as well but on a high platform safe from the zombies (unless you are dumb enough to try to spawn kill the zombies by jumping off, in which case you will not last long so don't try it.) and walk up the ramp in front of them. A tough choice stands before you. What weapon to pick? the assault rifle?(BR), Shotgun? maybe even the Sniper? After deciding, pick the tube with the desired weapon and go through the teleporter. Ta-da! you have reached the rooftop where the pilot is to pick you up. Head up to the higher region of the roof and await your ride. watch out as the destroyed remains of the rescue hornet crashes down in front of you. Now you realize you are trapped and must hold out as long as you can on this rooftop. There are supplies like molotovs, grenades, pistols, and other hidden goodies on the map. Choose your weaponry and hold-out location and get ready to greet some angry zombies. </description> Screenshots Survivor spawn [/URL] Tough choice. [/URL] Infected spawn (zombie golf included) [/URL] After 1 minute. [/URL] Boomer and Tank tubes [/URL] Hunter and Smoker tubes [/URL] Rooftop overview 1 [/URL] Lower rooftop overview [/URL] Upper rooftop overview [/URL] Turret building overview [/URL] Turret building inside [/URL] Health pack room Action Shots [/URL] Don't sit in the human spawn too long! [/URL] Watch that hornet! [/URL] Tank!!! Hope you all enjoy "You're on your own buddy." Best played 4v4, but 2v2-5v5 works. Rate, love, and have fun! Once again I give credit to those at the L4D Survival Remakes Thread and ForgeHub in general. Of course thanks Bungie for an awesome game! Can't wait for ODST! MAPhttp://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=81540467 GAMETYPEhttp://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=81540014
Hey, Your map looks really cool. I'm gonna download it now and try it later. I like your spawn set up
Looks great! can't wait to try it! I love how the plane goes down in the middle of the game, and I would like to know more about how infected spawn, because it usually makes or breaks the map. And at first glace... What is stopping the survivors from jumping into the bottom section of the crypt? A bad starting weapon? I DL and get back to you
Well when you put it that way, nothing really stops the survivors from jumping down except the thought that you won't last long if you do jump down. I will try to work on that thanks. Hopefully some barriers will stop that.
Fixed the spawns and some other tiny details. If you DLed the very first version DL the current one. Don't think there needs to be a whole v2 since very little was changed.
Hey, I downloaded your map and its pretty awesome probably one of my favorite L4d maps. Creative idea with the sentinel beam as the smoker. Really creative
Thanks, was there anything you found wrong with the map? I need more constructive criticism than praise.