So someone else has implemented the gravlift damaged column combo. Interesting, I was wondering when that would happen. But atleast it uses it in a unique manner different from my previous map. So props for making something fun and original. 5/5
Well i am glad so many people like it, and sarge i actually found out about your map when i first tested making this map back when it was in the skybox.
Wow, I just got done playing a game of this, and it is amazing. It is very original and just very fun to play. One time I got 4 blocks in the air with one lift all lined up perfectly all the way to the top. The only thing I suggest is making a FFA variant for about 4 players so that no one has to be stuck in the observation booth (not the funnest part). I love it anyways and I will definitely keep it.
Origionally i didn't have a booth up above, it used to be FFA style but everyone just kept assasinating people and it just became some sort of clusterf*** every game. So i made it KOTH one sided and made it more competative.
Impressive: I considered creating something along the lines of this, but by the looks of it, you seemed to have hit the jackpot with the design. Definitely well engineered and judging by the screenshots, a lot of fun. Good job.
This was very fun testing and this is a great mini game for any party size. I've found it best works with smaller parties when you dont have a large party yet. Im glad to see this posted its worth a download and a space in my 100 content limit . Good work Element I'll see you in alittle :]
I downloaded and played this and I must say that the 5 star rating is well-deserved. This is one of the most fun and well-thought-out mini-games I've played in a while. It'll be on my hard drive for quite a time and maybe should be featured. 5/5 good job!
I really love the idea and the map, but looking past how fun the map is, there are a couple problems: 1. After round 2, zombies sometimes spawn on the ground outside the base. 2. The game can be extremely boring as a zombie. Brute shots are very ineffective and the game is a pointsfest. That doesn't change my mind about rating it a 5/5, though. Great job.
Um, first off it's a KOTH game, not zombies at all. So if you played infection maybe that's your issue. And aside from that i have played this numerous times with upwards of 14+ people and i haven't had any spawn issues. I never have any trouble killing or defending with the brute shots, it just takes skill to lead your target and try to destroy the grav lift to stop there flight. I'm not saying being in the brute shot box is fun, but it is an important role in your teams victory.
0.o Holly cow this is an awesome map! I have been waiting for someone to create a mini-game that just blew my mind and congratulations, you have done just that! Outstanding, 5/5.
Meant to say people, not zombies. Had just written an infection review, my bad. I think that the rockets should spawn 10 seconds in personally, but of course I can just go into forge and change it to my liking. Still a great map.
I really like this map, I'm just going to come out and say it right now. This is a really well polished map, I'm not even going to go over how you can break this map, since you can't really do anything about it besides make this map a huge square, and that's boring. The attackers area is really well polished, almost perfect but i wish you would put in a shield door in the gravlift area. The defenders on the other hand had a couple of flaws. The main one was that you couldn't look that high up. The top barrier made it so when you go past past the middle, your home free, so maybe you could make it so you can look up higher. The other was that it got a little repetitive with only rockets and and brute shots. You should really consider giving them more weapons, fuel rods, needlers, and snipers came to mind. Making it easier to kill the attackers would be nice. Still the pros far out way the cons You are a genious for thinking of this 5 dead bodies flying in the air, out of 5 Give the humans something besides the rockets and brute shots, it gets repetitive
The point isn't to kill the humans, it's to knock them off. Rockets and brute shots require more skill to kill people, also. This is one of the greatest minigames I've ever played. It's so much fun to try to fly up to the top of the enormous map while falling "meteors" are crushing you. And it's a game you can get good at, which is the kind of minigame we need. It shows when you got over 100 points in those rounds. xD
Greatest Mini Game Ever Hands down. I read some other posts that mentioned spawning outside the map. When we started as red and blue teams it doesn't spawn you outside at least not yet. Maybe it takes other armor colors as 3rd or 4th team. We also added a couple of sticky nades for the column surfers to get a chance at revenge. Best of winner for sure. ManRayX SIETCH HAIL MARY SHADOW-ASSAULT
* Review * I reviewed this map on June 8th, 2009 with a map named blackheart. Here is the video. YouTube - Halo 3- Map Review
I'm very glad so many people seem to enjoy the fun factor that comes with this game. I have already had 800+ downloads and counting aswell as a feature on since i posted this 10 days ago. It truly seems that Blast Off!! has become a real hit among the forging communities and i just want to thank everyone for your overwhelming support towards the map. Continue to enjoy this great mini game and i hope to bring you more soon.
I cant stop laughing! I don't know why, but looking at these pictures while imagining gameplay is just hilarious! Its great. I don't know what more to say about it. lol... i. guess?
Hmmm, a comment about the map you say? Well, it will be so special I will have to use my very special #15 Pen... *ZIP* "My only real seggestion is to expand the defending slot to encompass the whole upper region, so that those hard angles can be covered from other areas. Potentially, add some secondary equipment to aid the attackers, and team spawns wouldn't be a bad idea either. That's about it as I can't pi....." *ZIP* "Ahhhhhh... I feel much more relaxed."