Download Here: Map: Turf 2.0 Remake of: Turf Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, KotH, Territories, Assault, Infection. Players: 8-12 This is a remake of the classic H2 map Turf. This is my second updated version of the map. My first version of the map was horribly smaller than the original Turf, Some of the aesthetics were bad and there were multiple ways out of the map. In this version i have fixed all these problems. There are still a few aesthetic problems because of the size i ran out of money so there are a few spots i would have liked to make alittle nicer but what can ya do. The map( in my opinion) is almost exact, size wise, to the original Turf. I went back to H2's version and scoped everything out and measured each wall in the map and turned it into terms of blocks and forge items. The map should seem pretty damn similar when it comes to size. As for the weapons everything is the same with the exception of a mauler i put at the scarab base. I thought this would even it out alittle bit due to the warthog side having the shotgun and sniper. The overall weapons include: * 6 BR * 2 Brute shot * 1 Shotgun * 1 Sniper Rifle * 1 Mauler * 2 Plasma Rifles * 8 Plasma gernades * 1 Warthog Medic Tent Warthog and Garage Inside of Garage Shed and Plasma Rifle Scarab side view and defenders base Scarab Front view Two sniper perches Due to the money issue i had to use a killball for the scarab. The nice things about that though are that it sounds pretty similar to the real scarab laying in H2 Turf and when i added a blue light to it it turned a purple shade so in those regards it is better than what i had before. Well i hope everyone enjoys the new improved version and if there are any noticeable problems please leave a comment and i will go in and do my best to fix it. Thanks for checkin out the map. - Gamefreak1792
this map is forged very well, and the basic layout of turf seems there, the only thing is that the size of the back alleyways (i guess you could call em) are too small, but still it looks like a great map. 4/5 and not a 5 just cuz the scale isnt right, but that might not even be possible anyways, so maybe a 4.5/5
Actually the size of the hallways are alittle bigger than what they were in the original turf the only place it is smaller is in the back between the shed and the scarab. Otherwise thanks for the good feedback.