Sandbox Diversity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TFx KiLl3r, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    made by TFx KiLl3r

    Diversity has been made! After hours and hours and hours of forging sweat and head aches it is here! My newest map aimed at 2v2 gameplay. Both gameplay and aesthetics came together in this one. ​

    Map size:

    Recommended players:
    1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 4-6 people FFA.​

    I got te name diversity from the recently proclaimed winners of britains got talent, Diversity. This map provides cover, yet there are open spots. The gameplay is very pleasing and I would recommend all gametypes for 2v2 and FFA crazy king is such fun. ​

    I started making this map about 2 weeks ago and I have spent about 20 hours forging this map, not including testing and improving. I have tested all possible gametypes with 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3. I would not recommend playing with anymore than 3v3 as it gets crowded. Just for those of you who want to know:​

    Recommend gametypes:
    1v1 - Slayer, KoTH and oddball
    2v2 - Team Slayer, Capture the flag, Koth and oddball
    3v3 - Team slayer (you can play others but its a litte hectic)
    FFA (4-6 players) - Slayer, Crazy King and oddball​

    Creator's Notes:
    • On the top floor, where the rocket spawn is, you can only get up there by jumping and at the bottom of this post wil be pictures showing you where to jump up. Having to jump provide a difference in gameplay and was favoured by all the testers.​
    • Some of you may be wandering why there are so many BR's on the map (10) this is because all the testers agreed that the orginal BR spawns felt distant and difficult to get to so there are more in obvious places but tactically placed.​
    • There is two places on the map (symmetrical) where you can jump off the back, this provides an escape route and short-cut to ther lower floor, however be careful as you can fall off.​
    Weapon & Equipment List:

    10x BR
    2x Plasma Rifle
    1x Rocket Launcher ~ 120 respawn ~ 0 spare clips

    1x Mauler ~ 120 respawn ~ 0 spare clips
    6x Frag Grenade
    2x Plasma Grenade
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Regenerator​

    Gametypes Supported:

    Capture the Flag - I would suggest when playing this to either make the spawn time smaller or increase the capture limit
    Team Slayer
    FFA - (4-6 players) Crazy King, slayer and oddball and recommended Lone Wolves
    KoTH and Crazy King - Craz king recommend (4-6 players)
    and all others tested but they do not play very well.



    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Ground floor center and mauler spawn:​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Top floor which you can only get to by jumping (shown later) and rocket spawn:​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Plasma rifle spawn (symmetrical):​


    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Red Side:​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Blue Side: ​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Br Spawn (symmetrical) and notice the walls on the floor which provide a bump free descent down the ramp: ​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Important Jumps:

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Notice: Sorry didnt get picture of it thought I did but we'll have to make do with this in the top right, there is a legde poking out which you jump on to jump onto the slanted wall (symmetrical):

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Action shots:

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    [​IMG][/URL] ​

    Thanks to the testers:

    Birdboy Dom - A great map, loved everything about team doubles on this map and the gameplay is stunning well done!
    An Irate Goat - Well forged and executed. The gameplay and aesethtics are both immense. Great fun and really competitive.
    Pvt Munch - Loved this but especailly FFA Crazy king, was hilarious and pumped with action.
    Ze Bully - Very well done, amazing map and I had great fun playing and testing this, and annoying you in the process of making it!
    Slushypuppy (i think)

    And the others, I think there were two more lol and of course me!

    Before i finish, i would like to ask you whether you think there should be a Version 2? For instance chaning anything from weapons to aesthetic features and adding stuff. Thanks​

    Well thats it and i hope you like it!

    Please Download and Comment! And rate lol!

    #1 TFx KiLl3r, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This the new map you told me about? I like it man, it looks balanced and aesthetically pleasing. I especially like how the BR spawns look. Im gonna check this map out later and I'll give you some feedback on it. For now 4.5/5
  3. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice job mate!
    Looks good and clean,
    It might be pretty small, but hey, you said its made for no more than 6+ players.
    Looks like it has a nice, clean, symmetric flow.
    Im gonna try this map out and see how it plays.
  4. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comment shea, yeh this is the new one lol, i like the br spawns too lol!

    Thanks for the comment Huntar, thanks for the positive review and rating cheers.
  5. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha, wow timo thanks for the amazing comment! For the effects i use juicy and colourblind so yes you were correct on one of them! Wow, thanks for suggesting a feature maybe you shouldpost what you think in the feature thread!
  6. bertieftw

    bertieftw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey, I just downloaded this map and had a quick forge through, but did not play any games yet. But dude seriously I can see massive potential in this mpa as it is well set up and all the weapons are just where I would place them. The map is aesthetically pleasing and I like the effect and lighting used in the map, I particaularly like the purple light on the ground floor around the mauler spawn, it looks great! Cant w8 to get a game on this 5/5!
  7. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cheers bro, im so glad you like it! The weapon placement was decided after testing with deifferent weapons, for instance I was going to have 2 snipers but decided not, a rocket and BR's worked a lot better. To get the rocket you need to use team work as its in the midde and you can only jump to it. I loved the lighting to, thanks man.
  8. bertieftw

    bertieftw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, lol i can see how 2 snipers would not really work lol, i am working on a map and will consider using the efects you have used here, thanks for telling me, this should be featured btw! After playing this map, as i said i would, it is insane, much better i believe than your popular map respiration! I would strongly suggest adding lone wolves to your gametypes as this was just incredible!
  9. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Appearance- 1.4-Work Of Art
    game play- 0.6-Trash
    Originality- 0.5-Exotic
    presentation- 0.4-Entertaining

    Over all= 3/5

    Ouch, Sorry to say that this maps game play was very bad. :( The rockets turned the map into a death pit and the maps Small Unique feel was way to hard to get a hold of. :( But that does not make this a bad map. Your map did look pretty good and it was definitely original. I have never seen a small map that looks anything like this map.
    NICE TRY. :)
    All you have to do is fix the weapons a bit and add Little bit more to the map.
  10. TheDom

    TheDom Ancient
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    First of all I must say it was a pleasure testing this, we all had a great time. There were some issues, although none of them big. Making the level a little bigger - possibly with a new walkway or tunnel round the outside - would make this map play a lot better with 2 v 2+.
    I must say I really don't agree with this. We played KotH, CtF and Team Slayer and they all worked great (although we did discover the required tweeks for CtF). The rockets certainly did not turn the level into a death pit, firstly they only have two rockets and secondly there are too many corners and line-of-sight blockings, etc.
  11. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Me and my team played this map three times.
    1st. Team Slayer
    2nd. CTF
    3rd. King Of The Hill
    And all three times we played the map the rockets made a big difference. The difference was so big that who ever got the rockets first would destroy the other team. Sorry, but I am going to keep with my first post. :(

    Unless, The map maker would like to host a match and invite me so i can get a better feel for the map and see if I missed anything about the game play and if I did then I will change the rate.
  12. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Erm honestly i really do not think that you have even played ad downloaded the map because the rocket that you are complaining about has a 2 minute respawn and only 2 shots so how could that even possibly destroy and control the game. Your "executioners" are rubbish, and im sorry to say this because i really like you, and all your previous comments on other maps and so on.

    Thanks Dom for standing up for me and Noved, i think you should actually dl the map.

    Peace and im not attacking you personally.
  13. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    I have downloaded the map I would not lie about that. It is my job to find maps for my team and download them for testing, rating, and my main job. Posting on them about the highs and lows to help forgers.
    If you did not agree on my post I would be glad to replay the map with you and some of your selected friends. So I can get the full feel of the map but if you do not Host a party for a second chance of rating i will have to keep with my team's first opinion of the map. :(
    #13 NOV3D, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  14. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I respect our opinion, but could you please justify how you belive the rocket to destroy the gameplay? When it can be countered by br's and the many grenades placed around the map. The respawn time which i have a;ready pointed out is 2 mins which means that in capture the flag you get the rocket and have the two shots and those two shots would not garuntee the capture of the flag and i bet you didnt even read my post and paly with a quicker respawn time for capture the flag, as i explained this is because you can kill your opponents and be half wa across the map when they spawn. In KoTH the rocket with 2 shots could get an easy double kill but then 5 seconds later your assaulted by the other team again. And in oddball it is much the same. And i sorry no, i will not be playing with you. It shows how unproffessional you are, how would playing with me and my friends give you a better fell for the map? Playing with your team would give you the same if you had actually played the map, im srry but some of your remarks are really proving the point to me that you have not downloaded and tested the map. Sorry.
  15. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is going to be my last post on this map because after this it will just be spam. Like I said be for I did not lie I have the videos to prove it. I am sorry you do not believe me there is no reason just to say those things about someones map. If you want you can speak to one of my teammates and he will tell you also what he thought of the map.
    Bye, Sorry for making you mad but just because you are a nice person does not mean that I was going to give you any special added bonuses to the rating of the map. Everyone is rated the same.
    I would never just randomly chose a map and rate it!
    #15 NOV3D, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  16. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Omfg, ok, please do nto reply to this then, but to others who are reading the posts please realise that this person is ignoring my questin which shows he has not dl'd the map and consider his review invalid. Thanks. Whether im nice or not has nothing to do with it.
  17. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the design of the map. A few things cool be improved like the neatness, but the design is good. Something I would consider doing is swaping the location of the mauler with the rockets, and move rockets to the mauler. This would make it work a little better because the person with rockets have view of most of the map, so they can jump down and blow someone up. By moving it, they can't do that. The mauler is in cover, so by moving it in a more open area it is less usefull where it is at. I tend to place weapons in such a way (Ex. shotgun in the open/no cover) because it makes it so you can't use the weapon effectivly unless you live to move to a more desireable location. Doing this would make your gameplay much better. I would also, but this is just me, remove a few BRs and add some SMG because it is a more close range map...

    So overall 6.5/10, but a v2 with improvements on weapon placement and neatness, will earn you a 10/10 from me. (sorry about the long reply lol)
    #17 Hank102938, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  18. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thanks dont be sorry for the length your ideas are genious and yes i will be making a version 2 as i have like 300 budget left and not near item limit. Where you say neatness can be improved where are thinking of, thanks for the comment!
  19. will2715

    will2715 Ancient
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    hey, killer i cant believe you left me out of this one! I really like testing your maps, its great fun. But i played this one on my own with some friends and it was amazing, reading earlier comments I think that swapping the mauler for the rocket woul dbe a great idea. 5/5 from me!
  20. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeh, ive decided that fo a version 2 i will change the name because I have decided i dont really like the name. I will change the mauler and rocket spawns. Well swap them. And i was thinking of adding some more geometry to the map and making it bigger and possibly a bit extra on each side where the flagcould go. Thanks for your comment will

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