1. I can't find a way to make a foolproff way of making a small barrier that will buffer a fusion coil blast and not explode a fusion coil on the other side. any ideas? 2. when a fusion coil is accerated to a fast point where it will explode on contact (upward direction). Is there a way to build something that will stop it from exloping? I am starting a new trigger idea but I need to work out these things first.
i don't know of anyway to stop it but mabie you should ask some of the switch and trigger pros around the site. i know a little bit about these, the three basic triggers and the movement trigger.
I know a wall + shield door doesn't work. I am also already using the all 4 gravity lifts. (it is being used to propel the fusion coil)
Aren't there 8 grav lifts in the scenery list? Also, I'm pretty sure explosions don't pass through shield doors. Try putting a shield door on either side of the wall.
I'm pretty sure they don't, rather thay pass UNDER shield doors and walls(just like you can throw a grenade under them). Geomerge/Interlock the shield door and the wall and see if it still doesn't work.
the shield door does not work. I tried 3 shield doors and 2 walls and put the fusion coils in the center of the doors. The explosion went through. Shield doors block master cheif from harm but not objects. The resinating explosion still goes through.
ooh wow thats interesting, nice to know Hari i was wondering if something along those line might work
first fusion coils do not bounce off shield doors. I do not want the moving one to blow up. I tried stacking 2 layers of pallet to buffer it and that did not work.
put another fusion coil above the one that you dont want to get blown up but put some pallets in between to drop a new one down.
Just to clarify a few things. The moving fusion coil it being pushed of a shaft. The shaft is very short and I need a way to stop it. The exploding fusion coil is near the moving one and I do not want the two to interfere with eachother. space is limited. It is on sandbox so there are no propane tanks to use.
The real question here is why you need to do either of these things. If I knew why you had to do either of these things, I could be a lot more helpful.
Here is a diagram see if it helps. ___________ .................[...] .................[Fb] ..................--- Fc.................. ...................^ ..............Fa..G ------------------- this is how it works (F means fusion coil, letters just tell which one) Fc: falls down and blows up Fa. Fa: blows up destroying the gravity lift. G: pushes a slider up with Fb on it. Fb: goes up and into the top when the gravity lift is on. Fb will not come back down the shoot so you do not need to worry about that.