Jumpball Challenge Game Variant Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Map Variant Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details The Jumpball challenge map and game are a test of skill for those who believe they are the masters of the controller. This map puts that to the test. This map is simply a test of thumb and finger control. Remember to be fair by playing this map with the Jumpball challenge gametype to. And by the way this is a one player map. Warning:This challenge is extremely frustrating and although possible to complete is also hard. This map and game may result in: Broken TV sets Uncontrollable swearing Broken headsets Broken controllers Looking stupid Fatalities(Just kidding) Rumors that beating it will give you Recon armor(not true) Screenshots, Shall we? Hints and tips Hint:After teleporter look down Tip:Red blocks are bad Tipont jump to high Hint:Fusion coils are meant to be stepped on Tip:Its just a game dont get frustrated
This is a pretty basic jumping map doesent have to many interesting sections to it they may be just fun or difficult, its kinda plain but still looks fun and difficult. ill downlaod and try it out 3.5/5 first
from the pictures i already can see that this map is too simple at least for me im only saying if you want more downloads you should make your map more challenging
Haha I like this map because alot of my friends aren't experienced jumpers like me and now I finally have a map that we all can do. Thanks