Half of the massive pyramid has been taken away to create the colleseum it over looks. there. i did it. i wrote a description. first ever for me. Download here. [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
from the pictures it looks a little small, and i dont think it would be able to support competitive gameplay, but ill play on it and get back to you
Eh, I'm guna say this the best I can; everyone diserves positive feedbacks. The map has a good layout to start with, but the map could use some work. The interlocking looks ok, but def could of been done alot better. It's almost as if you rushed it? And for the walk ways with the scafolds, you could of used double walls, or block huge to get the same effect. And make it look even better when you interlock them aswell. Keep on trying man, its a more then good start.
Overall, a nice large map with lots of diverse features. I really enjoy the neat affect u put on making the lights flare up even more. Also the use of scaffolding is a good way to emphasize the theme of the map. There are few minor things u need to straighten out. As for the banshee, unless there are lots of anti-aircraft weaponry on your map, u may have to remove it. 9/10.