This is my third attempt at seriously working with Forge, and what I would consider my first successful Rocket Race map design utilizing custom geometry. In the past I had only used Forge for adjusting destination parameters, due to the fact that the terrain on the standard maps was so excellent for Rocket Race. I intended to create a floating tier that was accessible from the ground, as well as through the air via a somewhat risky shortcut. I tend to enjoy maps where there is a bit of a gamble involved at times, such as the cliff destination on Standoff. I attempted to create the geometry in an accessible manner while keeping the design compact, as fluidity is paramount for a viable Rocket Race map. In the past I have disliked most efforts to create halotrack style structures for Rocket Race gameplay, as I consider them to serve as bottlenecks that hinder the pace of the game, requiring a one way solution. I attempted to avoid this by utilizing a symmetrical design, allowing for the drivers to approach the far ramps from either end of the playing field or attempt a mancannon boost from four sides of the central tier. Download Ouroboros Download Rocket Race Destination map: Action Shots:
OMG ROFLMAO!!! Sorry i had to get that out... Well on to the map. The map is one of the most, if not the best, maps to play rocketrace on and looks like a crapload of fun. The one thing i would recommending is geomerging the outer edge pieces so that it looks cooler, but they are awesome how they are already. The centerpiece is the most legit thing about this map. You have some talent for sure! EPIC WINSAUSE!! Overall 5.2/5-EPIC EDIT: first post! lol
Wow, the first decent looking Sandbox map I've seen built for Rocket Race. The map looks gorgeous from the pics with promising game play for a wonderful game. I'd love to give it a DL and let you know how it is. Nice job.
It looks great and the whole O thing looks cool, but I think you should have turned the guardians out and maybe built some small structures not too far out there. Still it's one of the best Rocket Races I've seen and it's worth a DL
thank you for bringing the best vehicle gamlay kind of map back. i really loved this map, me and my friends had a blast on it. the kill ball was kind of annoying though. nice job
Great, I really like the architecture of your map, and also the obstacles this map has to provide. Furthermore, the map is very smooth, and you've made creative use of the man cannons(I believe they are like elevators?). Looks like something that should be on matchmaking for rocket race, exceptional job. You have my dl, I wanna see if the map plays as good as it looks.
All I have to say is, wow that center structure is NICE! I like what you were saying about having a risky shortcut, it seems like a good idea. I have always liked rocket race and until now, I never really saw any customs that I wanted to download. But I will definitely have to give this one a try. Keep up the good work!
I think the map link is broken but I found it and it looks great dl from me I would love to see rocketrace make a comeback on maps like this
I can see this map coming along great for rocket race Dub. It looks extremely fun and has fairly original features. Can't wait for Block Fort to come along though!
Nice to see ya over here Cheerful! I've played a few RR variants on Sandbox so far, and most of them all left something to be desired. I like the layout you have going here, it seems intuitive and would complement RR well. I'll definitely have to check it out. Don't think your on my FL anymore, but we should remedy that, mkay? I need more RR in my life these days
Wow finally I remembered to write a comment on your map. Since I finally got to play this quite a few times, I have to say that this is definitely staying on my HD. In my opinion, the best Sandbox RR map out there I have seen so far. This game has speed, nice boosts, interesting gameplay (especially because of the mancannons) etc... I only think it lacks a bit of Rocket action / opportunities to shoot other teams, like messy dub or that other RocketRace map on Sandbox we play all the time but I dont remember the name. The reason for this is that there are four destinations on top of the structure, people who get it will stay there to wait for the next one to spawn closer to them if the next one spawned far away, which means less people try to get it ->less action. Maybe two hills at the top + test?
I like this map especially since they removed rocket race from matchmaking so I enjoy playing rocket race with my friends. I might just add this to my maps. Nic job.
this is not a racetrack. This is more of a VIP game. I know when you race you use VIP but this is more of a battle.