Foundry FastFood

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Unknown00124, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Unknown00124

    Unknown00124 Ancient
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    Hey, this is my map I built a long time ago, called FastFood. This took me about a day to build. Basically, its a Fast Food restaurant with a drive thru, a table area, a bathroom, a "cleaning service", a house, a parking lot, and a kitchen.

    Here's an overview view of the map


    The Drive Thru


    The Kitchen


    The House, by the way, in this picture are CrazyMunchkin14 and rocket gun. They were in my game the time I took this picture.


    Now here's the garbage room where conveniently has a Rocket Launcher.


    Inside the restaurant on the floor level, you can find a gravity hammer, which I like to call the "Cleaning Service", just for fun. =]


    Upstairs inside the restaurant is the table room, where the server will give you your food.


    Enjoy! This map may not look good, but its my first map that I finally completed.
    By the way, as a last minute note, there is a secret on the map. Anyway, heres the download link.

    File Details: FastFood
    #1 Unknown00124, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Well this post really didn't help you that much.

    In my signature there is a link called HOW TO POST PiCS that will tell you all that you need to know about how to correctly upload and embed your pictures.

    EDIT:Here: I went to the trouble of finding your pics and posting them.









    I'm kinda confused as is to where everything is on the map, and what exactly each thing is. The drive through is probably my favorite part and definitely resembles a drive through.

    #2 ShortKidPena, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  3. Unknown00124

    Unknown00124 Ancient
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    Right now, it look the same as how u posted them...

    Never mind, I see what you mean...
    Ill fix it now
    #3 Unknown00124, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  4. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Thats how it looks for you, but everyone else in the world doesn't see squat. All it shows is this little picture.


    I really don't know the interworkings of the whole embedding thing other than how to do it, but i don't know why everything is the way it is.

    Just trust me that no one sees your pics
  5. Unknown00124

    Unknown00124 Ancient
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    i know i see it. its just that ill have to make new screenshots if i use halo3screenshots.
    Would photoshop still work though?
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Pics are working now.

    Not too bad aesthetically... your merging is neat, but other than that it's kind of empty and I don't really get the feel I think you're trying to give. Not bad for your first completed one though, and it was also built a while ago.

    Evil drive thru is evil.
  7. Unknown00124

    Unknown00124 Ancient
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    Again, this map was built almost a year ago. And also the screenshots. My next maps will be better than this next time.
  8. R3im1nAtoR

    R3im1nAtoR Ancient
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    Maybe interlock the boxes that block off the base. Makes it look a lot neater. And I don't like all that empty space to much.
    But apart from that, the house and restaurant look very neat. I like the roof on the house. Very well done on that.
  9. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    The trip mine made me lol ^_^ Although not very original, the forging looks clean and solid so Ill give it a 4/5- good job

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Since u made it forever ago and u spent a day on it I'll give u 4/5. There is too much empty space. U might want to consider making this into a city map by adding more buildings. 4/5
  11. james227uk

    james227uk Ancient
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    This is great, simple technic but awesome results. I like seeing things on Legendary and Heroic maps, because I haven't been able to get Mythic yet. Oh well.

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