Hey all, I'm looking for some experienced forgers to help me out with my map. I've got pretty far into but it definitely still needs more work. The basic premise behind it is that one team attempts to break its VIP from the prison (has a switch that allows the VIP to escape) and escort him to the waiting pelican that is hovering on the 3rd floor. The terrorists on the other hand attempt to stop the attacking team as the enter the base and then eventually try to kill the VIP as he escapes. I feel its pretty balanced for both sides, there are multiple entrances into the building and flares on both sides to throw in to blind the enemy during their attack. Anyway, I hope to be talking to one of you soon. My gamertag is Akevo so just hit me up some time. Thanks
One team can start with a custom powerup that allows them to get in a vehicle to get the VIP free, because the VIP can't drive vehicles. Simple really.
You read it wrong. He said "How are you going to stop the attacking team from killing the VIP in the beginning." You probably need to employ honor rules, or put custom powerups in the door way leading to the VIP holding room that makes them do zero damage, and put them on instant respawn. That way the only way they can kill the VIP is when he is out of the room.
No, I did not read it wrong. Considering the VIP is locked in the room, and the only way to get in the room is with a vehicle, and only the defenders can do that, there was nothing wrong with what I said.
...Or make it so that the switch takes 2 triggers to open it, one inside the cell and the other outside. That way the VIP will only exit if he knows his teammates are outside...
How are you gonna make the VIP spawn there? You'd have to have all starting points except one inside killballs, so the only person left alive is the VIP. Actually yeah, do that
vip is indestructable, but theres a custom powerup in his doorway (1 way door via grav lift) that lets him take damage. as for the seperation, not sure
use a custom power up that makes the vip invincible but only for like 3 minutes or so and then if he isnt rescued by the time it wears off he will be executed.
Custom has a time limit. How about an instant respawn custom in the VIP's cell that makes him invulnerable for 5 seconds. A grav lift will make the custom impossible to get if the door is open (pushing the VIP into the closed door until it opens). That way no one can take advantage of the custom. All the defending team's starting points except for the VIP's will be in the floor less sky bubble so that they fall to their death and respawn in the appropriate placing.