Suck at sniping? Tired of being called a noob when you have the sniper rifle? Download the Sniper Training map. Use Slayer (you can turn on unlimited ammo if you want) Designed for up to 4 people to practice. Targets start flying after 10 seconds, so grab your gun fast! Download Sniper Training
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) ....... i've been working on a sniper training map for ages and you go and post this before i finish! well i have but one thing to say to the likes of you!.... nice map Mine will be better.
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) Uhh... one of your screen shots is doubled. Other then that, what are the rockets/other anti vehicle weapons for? I thought this was a SNIPER training map. :squirrel_wtf:
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) are the fusion coils fliying at you or are in random directions
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) TEC endorses this product fully and guaranties results in 10 minuites or less. "Simple yet effective, this helped me alot" - TEC Spartan, downloader of sniper training map.
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) What are you talking about :wink: I have those guns incase you want to try to shoot the targets with them (Spartan Laser is the only one that actually is able to hit one). The Fusion coils fly out of man cannons from the other side of the map, I just decided to drive over there.
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) Sweeet looking map, this is a great idea... even though my sniping skillz don't need training...LOL. XD Jk I'll give it a try. :squirrel_wink: