Be gentle this is my first time lol. Alright so i usualy dont take a lot of screenshots. At least staged ones that is. But these are kind of random pics i took from me runing around in the snowbound tunnels throwing nades and blowin up equipment. So there want really any actual effort put into them but i think they look cool. So just tell me what you guys think and if you guys any tips on to take better screenshots in case i decide to go back and take more. So hopefully you like them. Oh also i dont really have any names for them but numbers if you can come up with cool names ill edit the post with that name above the sreenshot. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Great stuff, i really like the last one. It has awesome blue flames and cube things. How did you get the effect, or where did you take that picture? You should name that picture, or all of them if you really want because of their epicnicity. Yes, that is a word.
How in the world did you get that pixelized effect???! It looks incredible! The 3rd one is great as well, I like the purple ripple effect in the back.
too get pixelated you just look through one of the those temporary shield equipment things as it comes back up after being beatdown. Note: when you are first taking the picture the pixels are not there, when you take the picture they appear.
THanks guys im really glad you like them. These were all taken in the center cave of snowbound for those who want to know and in the 3rd pic the backround was a deployable cover blowing up. In which i noticed for a split second expands like 2 times its orignal sice and is all purply and cool. So once again im glad you guys like them.
5th one is really interesting, all the blue in the pic looks cool. The 3rd is also notably good. The rest are meh. And Im not a fan of the helmet your wearing
very good pics lots of explody bits last on is the best its just epic 4/5 off topic i like you name and if your tring to be halo wars-esk spartans try left or right shoulder to orginal mark VI skeen