DÉ SKREEM V2 TonicSTUPID DOWNLOAD DÉ SKREEM V2 Supported Gametypes: 2V2 1v1 Slayer with 4 or less people Map Description Very small map. Completely Diffrent from V1. Has new spawns More astheticaly pleasing structures better Geomerging, interlocking and overall, better layout. Better weapon spawns and better equipment spawns. This map is basically a small rectangle, with a little tunnel and 2 bases(kinda). See For yourself OVERVIEW DOWNLOAD DÉ SKREEM V2 If you didnt Catch the download link ITS RIGHT HERE Thanks for checking out my map, i appricate it, let me know who you are by commenting constructive criticism. I always like learning how to improve. so please comment youor thoughts
The map is meant to be small. But if you dont think its big enough and doesnt play smooth enough. i might use the rest of summer, to build up a bigger version, for maybe Team Slayer. Instead of 2V2.
sorry dude, this just looks too small. spawn killing is definetly gonna be an issue here, why would you even want to place the shotty? Also, can't you escape by grenade jumping?
I know its small, and when we tested it there wasnt much spawn killing. The shotty, idk i quess i can take it out
Ya. I agree with these guys. Its very rough with walls and unless you block it off better, people are going to get out of the map. Even for 2v2 its too small. 2/5. Suggestions: expand, lose the turret if it isn't big enough, straighten walls and build them up at least two high, also, I can tell from those spawns that there will be spawn killing and the gameplay screenshots would be better if u had more than one person. Also, there doesn't seem to be a smooth transition to the stairs.
The transition to the stairs is actu The transition to the stairs is actually really nice. its perfect. but right now im in the proccess of making a v3 that is double the size.
OK.Double the size should be acceptable as long as everything is distributed correctly. Just keep on improving it and it should be fine.
Thanks for the input. and be sure to dl the v3. Its improved alot so far. Im just trying to get some idea asthecticaly some cool structures and decorations. i dont really have that great of an imagination. so i really look uo to other peoples input. so thankyou.