Judgement map Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by patt06snipe, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Yes I am doing the train cars map. Then for ideas so far we have a hospital, urban map, airplane, and don't forget the snowy abandoned cabin either.
  2. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    the only Idea i have is to keep the random weapon box and window,and make your own house. I wish I could help more,but just go for it.( I may do this)
  3. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    if you use the train car idea you could make a way to go from car to car by balancing on a rail while walking and if you fall you die.
  4. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    The mall is an idea, an apartment or hotel building, oooh a good idea is to make a parking garage. I will think up some more ideas if/when they come.
  5. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    The parking garage sounds like an idea....maybe each door that is opened leads to another bigger car parking space with more windows for zombies to get in. The RWB could be in the last parking area and oyu have hold out there. This could work.

    Ideas so far PBF = prob. best for

    - urban map PBF Foundry (has urban style objects)
    - airplane map PBF Foundry but may work on Sandbox
    - snowy cabin PBF Avalanche
    - hospital with elevator (must create a large enough elevator to be considered a room) PBF Foundry but may work on Sandbox
    - parking garage PBF Foundry
    - mall
    - apartment/hotel complex

    what am I missing?
    #25 patt06snipe, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  6. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    I have an idea on the RWB but the only problem I have right now is that I am not tot good with min/max switches to make them work 100% of the time. If you know how to do add me, my GT is kilamanjara14.
  7. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    No, I'm not good with them..try Master Debayter. But I will add your GT if you still want me to.

    Are you talking about the RWB for Sandbox?
  8. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Ya, for sandbox. I sent him a privatte message once but never got a reply :(. Anyway I might get goatsnuts to help me do it... that is if he replies to me...
  9. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Sorry about the lack of replies, I'm busy working with 3 different projects now. One for my infection forge group, one for the Project group I'm hosting at xforgery, and now this sudden stream of new Judgement maps. Just let me get things into order, because I've got a lot of stuff to work with at the moment.
  10. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    I can tell. Your next project, this thread, judgement guide, and probably more, including V2 of Last Day. That's fine. You have your hands full, just worry more aout the bigger projects and back to the smaller ones later.
  11. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Here are a few more ideas:

    A beach house on one of the sand hills and have it closed in. You would need very good geomerging(not me) but if you did it, this could be amazing. Especially if it is a 3-4 story house and not having each floor having the same exact looking rooms.

    An office building with cubicles and whatnot. If you could make this in the crypt with each floor able to open up every (insert number here) amount of seconds/minutes.
    4-6 floors possibly.

    For my last idea, it is my favorite idea out of all of them. Have about 4 buildings all connected by a teleporter(not a two-way teleporter) and each building is closer to the zombie spawn but each building has more and better weapons as you go along. Since each building is closer to the zombie spawn it will seem like there are more zombies. Each building will be about 2 rooms or so. This next idea might be hard to understand so if you do not understand it then don't struggle yourself with trying to figure it out.

    The second building will have a grav lift in the middle of the room that spawns every 180 seconds. As will all of the other buildings after it. To get to the second room you have to use a grav lift on some blocks to get through. Here is the thing though, there are two sets of blocks that you have to use a grav lift on. This means that you will have to stay in there for atleast 180 seconds(that is if you stay in the first building for 180 seconds). After you use the two grav lifts then you must go to the next building where you will find the same thing but it will have 3 sets of blocks and the 4th building will have 4 sets of blocks, the 4th buildings room, instead of leading to a teleporter will lead to the random weapon box. The humans would have to have waypoints over their head at all times so the zombies know which building to attack.
  12. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    I love the beach house idea. I was thinking maybe have the first floor in the shape of an octogon and every other wall there would be a zombie window. After about 2 minutes, stairs would spawn leading up to another room.....and then Idk what after that. hah this is why I need all of you to help.

    On the office building do the doors to each room open at different times or all at the same time..and then humans must retreat to which ever room they choose? I mean is it like humans stay in one room, unlock doors, go to the next room, unlock next door, go to last room? like that?

    Your last idea is great, but I don't think there are enough grav lifts to make it work...unless we used the deployable ones and the ones already lifting (the ones in the object list). Also, we would need to have a lot of materials and would need to design a new type of zombie window that works well enough...I think I'll work on that in sketch-up here in a little while.

    Another question..for anyone to answer. How do I make a poll?..I can't find the button to make it.
    #32 patt06snipe, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  13. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Not sure on the poll thing, as for the last thing saying we won't have enough grav lifts, there will be one gravlift in each room and they spawn every 180 seconds. All you need are 4 grav lifts since there are 4 buildings.
  14. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Alright, I will get to forging my next map probably tomorrow. Idk when I'll finish it, because I have quite a busy summer ahead, but I know one thing for sure, the time I do use to make this map will be well worth it, or so I hope. I will start a new thread for it soon and there you can add ideas for it, look at how it is coming, basic ideas for it, and so forth.

    Look forward to that thread, that way I don't need to discuss it here and this won't take up space of discussing the actual next Judgement map.

    As for the Beach House idea, that might just work quite well on Sandbox as well as the other one. I'll try to help give ideas, once we have more details on the next Judgement maps.
  15. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Alright sounds good. Keep us posted.
  16. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Alright, like you said patt06snipe, I have come to keep you posted. I have started the map, but only have the first boxcar finished. Well, mostly finished, the roof still need to be done, but that won't take long, and then respawns and then weapons. Other than that, it is done though. I won't go on and on on this thread though, because 1)It would decrease the amount of space on the page, and 2)I already have a thread up for it (yes it is finished, the thread) and I could fill up a whole page with that. So instead of using here as the discussion thread, I present to you, the Trainyard Judgement Map Thread. Just click the link, check it out, PLEASE discuss and give ideas, and look forward to updates.

    Also, to patt06snipe, I may need some suggestions sooner than thought. Just check out the map, tell me what you think and then I'll announce the problem.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I have some pretty interesting news. It turns out that the requirements for a Judgement map are not all limited to Foundry at all. I have recreated a window system on both Sandbox and Standoff already. Although the random weapon box is no longer a requirement for one of these maps, it can be remade on sandbox. Only... it will not be delayed and the weapon will drop immediately upon activation, meaning cooperation would be required to use it. Also, Standoff, surprisingly, can be used to make a random weapon box... which brings up some things very interestingly. I have created the switch on Standoff, but it's not what you would call practical. Thanks to the VERY limited amount of immovable objects, the switch does look very structurally fit... I'll need to test it some more first... :frustrated:
    #37 Master Debayter, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  18. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    You could use a regen trigger for it. I would not know how to do it but weapons do move from man cannons which is very useful. All you would need is a regen that spawns every 30 seconds or so and you could do it, or(if you are doing the sandbox one the same except with a propane tank it is a fusion coil) than you could make it so whenever the fusion coil is destroyed the weapons fall from on top of the fusion coil.
    #38 kilamanjara14izback, Jun 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  19. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    That's already how it works.
  20. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Then why does it need cooperatiton?

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