Oh teh Noes!!! *warning, big people words ahead, click at your own risk. [youtube]Ar4WzQ7KHak[/youtube] [youtube]kYxlSDJZbn0[/youtube] I just thought this songs were catchy, and preety funny too.
I never learned what 4Chan was exactly, but I do know how people behaved when they spoke of 4Chan. Consider this thread being monitored.
I too shall help with the monitoring nitrous, since i unfortunately know what 4chan is because wikipedia knows everything.
Whats wrong with 4chan? This being the first time seeing it, I thought it was one if the most epic mini-films I've seen on the internet. *Goes and googles it* Oh, I see... Wiki Link
4Chan is a biiiiig no no place full of evil things and unl337 people. Im just posting this video cause i like the song and animation for it, it basically just shows most of 4chans popular memes and stuff. No harm intended.
I did think the videos were (kinda) neat, but I still don't want this forum filled with 4chan posts and what not. By no means are you in any trouble.
K, as fun as discussing the sins of 4chan are, how about we concentrate on the Movies (originals better? I say yes.) and the Music (Awesome? y/y).
keep 4chan away they are a web site that has rules only based on laws it is an anonymous forum site so they have different usernames each time so that they cant be banned they troll the internet and attack other web sites massive spam and sometimes ddos some of their stuff is funny like this most is crap
I saw the original movies first, i thought they were preety neat, i just thougth the cats looked kinda weird heh, the music was really catchy though, and the animation was preety good too. I just ended up liking these two more because when i saw it i was like "wait, ive seen this before" so i thought it was funnier, that original is intended to be a bit more dramatic or serious. All in all, i think both are great in their own way even though there basically the same thing kinda. and yes your right, their rules are stupid, the only thing good that ive ever gotten from there are funny images and...umm...stuff, other than that i wouldnt wanna be associated with those anons or whatever. I dont recommend being a part of that community, bunch of no lifes.
*watches sharyn visit 4chan* *watches sharyn freak out at edgar* *watches edgar beg for sex on a street corner* The end.
ha, more like *watches sharyn visit for 4chan* *watches sharyn go to the naughty section* *watches sharyn turn to edgar with a "wah chika wah wah" face on* *watches sharyn jump on edgar like an animal* *edgar manages to close the door/and or webcam so penguin cant see* *penguin waits patiently for 30+ mins* *Edgar comes out 50 pounds lighter with a :] on his face the "real" end