Rat's Nest Race Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by SoulPursuer, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. SoulPursuer

    SoulPursuer Ancient
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    Hi im kinda new to this forge thing, so i decided to make a racing map!! I also found out how long it takes to get a map perfect ( i used all the resources i could on this map) i think you will find it great fun!!

    A bit of info about this map......

    First Jump:
    You start of with 3 different directions you can go, if you go for the center you will zoom into the goal area quicker but, you will have a chance up landing upside down or getting blown up by a bomb!, but if you go one of the slower ways you can still get the first goal, and you will still be on your mongoose.

    Second: A Obstacle:
    A Tunnel of darkness with monsters lurking in the corners and this is where you can get the first Vip marker if you missed it on the jump or went the other ways.

    Third, A Turn:
    This is basically a sharp turn which if you take wrong you may be blown to hell and back.

    Fourth, A straight/tunnel:
    Here is a straight where you can get some speed up before you go into another tunnel, and straight after the tunnel you have to make a sharp turn unless you don't like you face, then feel free to go into the wall.

    Fifth, A Uphill dash to a huge jump:
    After the sharp turn, you will look in amazement at a hill, with a top of blue. You will put your mongooses in top speed then shoot, into the air dodging the bombs on the takeoff and the landing.

    Sixth, A Flat straight to a Jump:
    Another longer higher jump than before, but if you get this one wrong you go fling back to where you came from.

    Seventh, A Tricky corner
    A dreamy blue corner to navigate around, but dont be fooled by it kind looking footballs, they will knock you out of this world.

    Eighth, Another choice!
    Here you can either go round the blockade or over it its your choice.

    Last, Mind the edge.
    Here you will be pushed to the edge of a cliff! make sure you dont hit the mines or you will have a short flight to the bottom.

    A few tips:
    There are teleporters around the map you can jump into if you have been hijacked, and get right back to the beginning, and grab another ride!

    Speed is not always the wisest choice sometimes its better to be slower and not die.

    http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18992208 (The Map)

    http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18992062 (The variant)

    http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=SoulPursuer (My Fileshare)

    Please download/comment/rate


    A few pics:


    P.S. Try and beat 1:05 round my track (my personal best)
  2. sethkasketch

    sethkasketch Ancient
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    get screenshots, describe the map.

    then you might pursuade someone to download it.
    i'm just about to so i can give you feedback.
  3. sethkasketch

    sethkasketch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i'm very good at being brutally honest. you're map is not very good. it might be fun with a lot of people, but its untidy, barely any forging"tricks" are used, you can quite easily go round the map backwards, or just sit in the scoring place. just next time, make it a bit harder, more complicated, and tidier.

    is this your first attempt?
  4. SoulPursuer

    SoulPursuer Ancient
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    Yer its my first attempt, i know that everything isn't perfect, but i thought and many of my mates thought it was amazing for my first every forge map. (still worth getting)

    And you cant go round the map backwards!! You try it!! You can go backwards and forwards at some places but you cant get all the way round on your mongoose, and if you downloaded the variant you will never win if you haven't got a mongoose.
  5. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic
    on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!

    embed your pics. and are you sure that is the most creative name for a map u can come up with
  6. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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