Halo Reach Info "Announced by Bungie, a First Person Shooter"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SWEETbabyJEEZUS, Jun 7, 2009.

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    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
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    Bungie has announced that Halo Reach is a first person shooter, just like all of their other great games. If you listened very carefully at the end of the trailer, it said "This is Sierra 259, We have Spartans on the ground sir. Were not going anywhere". Now this obviously means that this game is when all the spartans were fighting together and alive. You will be fighting in campaign with other spartans, like a flashback. I think this is good and bad. I would like the Halo trilogy to keep unfolding, not going back in time. First Halo 3: ODST and now this. The good thing is that it will definitly have online multiplayer. You can play the BETA if you have Halo 3: ODST. In Fall 2010, Bungie will release the multiplayer BETA. It will show up in the Bonus Content section.
    #1 SWEETbabyJEEZUS, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    At the end of Halo 3, the war is over, and you can't really make an awesome, epic game after the war is over. The MC and Cortana are MIA, and they were drifting towards an unknown planet at the end of Halo 3. At the beginning of Halo 1, Reach was briefly mentioned. Bungie wants to tie up some loose ends before they continue on after Halo 3 (chronologically).

    Also, there is a thread for this type of thing already. Here it is. You should've posted there, although it is mainly used for Halo 3: ODST news, not Reach news. Judging from what happened to other Reach and ODST threads that have been made, some mods will come and here and rant about posting in the stickied thread. Maybe this thread will take off.
    #2 Glasgow, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  3. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    soon as I heard reach, I knew it was before all the other halos. also, i would expect them to keep making more halo games. Bungie not making anymore halos?....peeshaw.... I mean, very few people expected halo reach before it was announced. Anyways I expect like anyone else, that halo reach will be another great game.
  4. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Trilogy is three, it couldn't possibly go any further either way.
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    There are other SPARTANS still alive other than Master Chief...

    Don't we have the Halo 3:ODST and Reach topic stickied to the top of this forum too?
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    There was no spartan 259 in the books though. During the spartan 2's time anyways. I think they actually mean spartan 2 no.59?

    And yeah, this is kind of old news and there's already a thread as bluejay and ASC671 mentioned at the top of the page, so just post stuff there next time.
  7. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Isn't the fall of reach before Halo CE?

    And your link doesn't work
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    No one knows, although judging from the trailer, I'm guessing it's somewhere around that time.
  9. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    That's odd...I wont bother fixing it though, because at the top of the page it's there. (it's stickied)

    Can somebody request a lock?
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    theres already a stickied thread on this, and several pop up a day.
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