OMFGLOLWTFBBQ Yes, he did get a triple kill. Looks like some things CAN go through bubble shields and elephants. No video, but if it makes you feel better, there's one triple kill in the game stats. Hacks
could be hacks or a weird glitch. And trust me, there have been weird glitches like that. Like on one of the bungie favorites, a guy with a sword slashed the bottom of a crate with four people in it and got an overkill.
I said hacks to emphasize the point, I know it's a weird glitch. At first glance, it just looks like someone is cheating, especially because it goes straight through 3 people, a bubble shield and an elephant which is supposedly 'impenetrable' and that's what I'm trying to get at.
How does this have any discussion value to it really? Plus, can't the lazer go through the elephant either way? If not it was just lag. Can a mod move this to the screenshots forum please.
Oh wtf. I honestly thought I put this in halo screen shots. Fail. Ima ask a mod now. And no, they normally can't go through elephants.
It's worth saying that lasers can penetrate the windscreen and that bottom window thing (near the mongoose) of an elephant. So maybe they can penetrate the driver cabin? Maybe this is just not very well known (despite the initial obsessions with Elephants when Halo 3 was first released) The bubble shield may not have been deployed properly on the laser guy's screen. So lag can explain that. Still though, if I got a triple kill on people in an elephant...
I know a lazor can go throuh an elephant,go to local and shoot the cockpit of an elephant with a laser,It works. As for the bubble shieldd,its just lag,nothing unusual about lag.
Doesn't make sense though. When the laser goes through the elephant's driver, it's not supposed to kill him(just tested a moment ago). Also, I'm not so sure if it was lag... I think it killed the elephant gunner because I believe that it hit a part of the turret that stuck out... and maybe that's why it could penetrate the bubble shield? I definetly remember that nothing else could.