I believe it's a brush. I have the exact same brush. And I'll go against Hells and say that whatever you think suits you best as a sig should be used.
Alright big guy, slow down there... Put it like this before you say anymore: Brushes that you DOWNLOAD are SOMEONE ELSES work, you basically are stamping that work onto your own canvas and calling it your own, so instead of crediting you upon completion of a piece of "art" or a "signature" I might as well credit who ever created those brushes, am I right? I don't want to argue about this so, don't start anything, because you can't really win in this scenario seeing that I am absolutely correct about brushes being created by SOMEONE ELSE, they might have created it FOR THE PEOPLE, but it's still like copying and pasting a full sig into your own. Don't take this personally please. Anyway, since you guys are thinking I just started a pointless argument I am going to avoid that... On an aesthetic level completely IGNORING the fact that a brush was used the sig gets a 2.5/5, it's really plain, the middle seems a little blurred and the text is a tad distorted. Good sig for a starter, I am sure you will get better, (try to use Defaults its more fun).
Umm, if we all said that, he wouldn't get anywhere. Which is why you still stink at signatures. I have a few things to say. One, never say you are absolutely right. Because sometimes things are said that you don't see. Two, yes, use default. Not because they're better, but because you need to get use to them first. They are the BASICS. You won't get anywhere without using the basics. When you become professional, then go ahead and download brushes and crap. Beginners tend to overuse "new" stuff.
Thanks for the tips frag, and all the other comments, highly appreciated, I do Need all the help I can get
Depending on how much you put into a piece, it can take at minimum, an hour and then anywhere upwards from there. Lots of times I'll make something, leave it overnight, look at it the next day and work on it for another few hours.
I spend 10-30 minutes on a sig, i think you spent to much time. Frag's just being modest, he knows hes good.