I do not know if there is a thread for this or not or even if this is in a correct forum ---> first time poster, I would appreciate it if anyone who is a fantastic forger would adopt my map. The map layout is fairly complete and you can clearly see my sloppiness This is my first time trying to make a half decent map, but as I figured out it was a long, agravating process. It is nowhere near complete and 0 testing done. you dont even have to keep it looking as it is, and I dont need credit for the idea, I just want to see my map complete. If you do, do a wonderful job on it and I love their may even be a free 1 month coming your way. My GamerTag is OMG iTz Trix if intrested. linky possibly might not work as I said b4 never done this. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details failed at making pics but heres the website top 4 obviously, and yea its on sandbox if that helps any1. http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/OMG+iTz+Trix/
srry really not tht technical savey with the whole pic sizes and that crazy stuff in the forum rules.
screen shot your map from different angles in halo go to haloscreenshots.net i think and get the img "codes"
if I took pics on halo and put in my fileshare and made links to them would it be against any certain rules? cause I know how to do that much.
I don't think so, but I would probably have helped if it wasn't on sandbox... I don't have mythic so I'm out of luck there.
theres no need to put in file share search haloscreenshots and yours get a site pop in your name and wait then you will have all your screens on tap
Tried the whole picture thing and failed made the link if that helps at all if I did something wrong just lock it I dont want to upset any1 here.
Your screen shots are working, but the problem is that they are all the same. I am not sure if you only have one screen shot or if you have 3 screen shots but you didn't do it correctly. Please get this fixed soon if it is possible.