Sandbox Bone Temple

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by cazking7, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. cazking7

    cazking7 Ancient
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    Map Title: Bone Temple

    To recent downloaders before June 8th, please download the map again as there was an error in CTF that is now fixed.

    Download Map

    Bone Temple, is a small non-interlocked, but yet still neat, fast paced competitive map. This map wasn't interlocked because its going to be submitted to Bungie for the Team Doubles playlist in its V2 form. However if you give this map a shot you'll find it's design perfect and gameplay even better. Its main features are its straight hall, center temple and sniping platforms. Please keep in mind, this is my first map. This map can range from 2-8 players and was designed mainly for the purpose of 2vs2's.

    Things that make this map unique
    - Face to face sniping platforms (similiar to "The Pit")
    - Center temple w/ Rockets (Can make or break you in CTF)
    - Straight Hall, great BR fights take place here.
    - "Wood Bridge Alleys" make for safe respawns without being isolated also great for "going up and over" into their base for CTF
    - Lots of timed jumps/crouch jumps (some impossible to do with Oddball/Bomb/Flag)
    - Great gameplay flow alongside with a weapon layout that "moves with a team's momentum".
    - Spawn killing also isn't a problem on this map.
    - Some barriers to help keep people like me from falling off, alongside some risky jumps.

    Only thing bad about this map is that when exiting the sniper platforms back to your "Base 1" you get a small bump when you walk across the Tube Ramp.

    Supported Gametypes
    - Slayer
    - Capture the Flag (2 Flag)
    - Assault (2 Bomb)
    - King of the Hill
    - Oddball
    All these gametypes are fit nicely for this map

    Weapon Layout
    x6 Battle Rifles (two clips, 30 spawn)
    x2 Sniper Rifles (one clip, 60 spawn)
    x1 Rocket Launcher (no clips, 60 spawn)
    x2 Assualt Rifle (two clips, 30 spawn)
    x4 SMG (two clips, 30 spawn)
    x2 Shotgun (two clips, 30 spawn)
    x2 Bubble Shields (60 spawn)
    x1 Grav Lift (60 spawn)
    x8 Frag Grenades (10 spawn)
    x8 Plasma Grenades (10 spawn)



    #1 cazking7, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  2. Dead in ten

    Dead in ten Ancient
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    Looks like quite a fun map I'll DL and take it for a spin (Will get back to you with a more detailed review), and for a first map this looks great. Just something about your post I can't really understand where the little screen shots are part of you overview or maybe its just me lol?

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nicely done. I like the division of red side blue side. My only suggestion would be to make the center temple look more like a temple. Maybe by fusing a red light and blue light together on it or by adding an overshield, invis, or custom powerup.
  4. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    My roflcopter say "Sloppy Sloppy Sloppy Slopy" No matter what map you are making- try your best to interlock/meld EVERYTHING; it makes the map more visually pleasing and helps gameplay. Also, str8n out the pillars in the back and it will be good 3.5/5 8D V2 TIME!!!!
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    That's just straight out incorrect in my opinion. Sandbox is even better than Foundry in the sense that objects fit together very snugly, the vast majority of the time the bump when walking over the join between two objects is exactly the same when interlocked as when simply placed next to each other. I would say that surfaces are suitably flat in this map, and joins seamless enough for pretty much any purposes. I promote interlocking to reduce grenade loss on key bounce surfaces, but apart from that it's main use is when needed, when making structures that can't be constructed from the pieces we have without interlocking. If people realised this and spent more time on careful map design than simply spending hours over unnecessary interlocking then the quality of maps produced would improve drastically, as well as community attitudes at large.
  6. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    First of all welcome to Forgehub. It is really nice when new members post their maps correctly

    Second, I agree with Pegasi. Sandbox really eliminates most of the need to interlock. There are so many different kinds of objects that, unless you are trying to stop grenades from slipping through, making, as Pegasi said, unique structures, or if you are trying to make a wall/floor/ceiling and that last peice just wont fit, you don't really need to interlock.

    On topic, it seems the sniper platforms are to close to have sniper battles. The sniper platforms on The Pit are all the way across the map, and in yours, they are right next to eachother. I have a map with dueling sniper platforms, PM me and I'll link it to you. If Isaw a sniper on the other platform from my platform, I probably wouldn't try to snipe him, I would probably hop over and BR the sniper. Also it seems that there isn't enough paths between the bases. However, there are so many little places that you could jump across that i may be wrong. I'll DL and Edit my post
    #6 Benji, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  7. cazking7

    cazking7 Ancient
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    Thanks, I fixed that too.

    Originally I was going to use an overshield in the spot of the rockets, but I figured it would make for more interesting CTF captures. The V2 form will be much better compared to this.

    My future maps will be interlocked, you'll also find the V2 much more pleasing in that I'm going to redo the sniping platform and temple.

    Yeah I'm trying to rethink the design of the sniper maybe to where it is next to the base and farther back rather than over the base and forward. But one of the reasons I designed it that way is to make the tower vulnerable, because it can control the majority of the map.
    #7 cazking7, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009

    Senior Member

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    I dnt know what the guy is talking this map doesnt need interlocking i realy like the layout and the temple looks great i like the i dea if mergng a blue ligth and a red ligth in the senter where the rocket spawn is but i think it would be cooler if u mearge the ligth into the the thing that the roket lays on . i realy like all of the map and looking forward to the improvments that u r going to make in v2

    4.5 i think

    maby a feature for v2 :p
  9. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    so i did a forge through and i broke your map
    Heres How:

    Thats not the only way to do that but its the easiest besides just getting a grav lift
    Now the easy fix to this would be to just move the light

    Heres another spot that is easy to camp at

    Just Jump onto the wooden bridge, then onto the huge block, then down to that arch
  10. cazking7

    cazking7 Ancient
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    Thanks for showing me that about the blue and red lights, expect them to be raised in V2, so that your still able to stand on them, but just vulnerable.

    The archways were put in there on purpose as an oddball spot.

    To recent downloaders before June 8th, please download the map again as there was an error in CTF that is now fixed.

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