You're telling me that expansions are free? It's not a new game. Halo: Reach is a new game. Halo 3: ODST is not. It's an expansion set.
Thanks for ignoring everything I just stated in the post prior. Let me reitriate it for you. Spoiler First, I'd like to clear some things up. Being I've watched almost every E3 ODST interview with numerous gaming communities (G4, gamespot, and IGN), along with every update on the game. So I'd like to finalize two things. ODST is sold at retail deeming it a new game. It's an expansion to the Halo series, but not an expansion in a sense that to play ODST ,Halo 3 must be in the disk cartridge and that's how you go about accessing ODST, no. Now to my current knowledge disk one contains Campaign, and Firefight, and everything ODST, along with extras (When the Halo:Reach Beta is up, that's how you'll acess it). Disk two is primarily Halo 3 multiplayer, accompanied by every available downloadable map for Halo 3, with the 3 new mythic maps shipping with ODST. You may be wrong, or I may be wrong, but first I'd appreciate a link to your information. For, disk two is believed to only contain multiplayer maps, not actual multiplayer for ODST as a whole. I'll look up on to maybe find your source, but could you please link us to the page when you have the time. Well, I found it, and I was correct (Not to be bitchy or anything, just don't want you to have mislead information). The second disk is Halo 3 traditional multiplayer, along with the maps. So ultimately Halo 3's disk will no longer be needed if you'd like to play ODST, unless you feel like playing Halo 3 campaign. I wonder how integration of people playign Halo 3 and ODST multiplayer will work...but we'll see. Here's a link. : Bungie Weekly Update: 06/05/09 : 6/5/2009 5:32 PM PDT The Q&A is at the bottom of the update.
Your post was not there when I made my reply. Thanks for assuming it was. Whatever. My point is that Halo 3: ODST will not replace Halo 3 because it expands on Halo 3 and will not differ from it so greatly.
At least we agree. I'm surprised people are scared of this happening, this is great for Halo. Something new will bring lost Halo players back, just like the mythic map pack revived some lost souls. Plus, how could someone even think a game from a game will kill it's original game, lol. I don't see much more purpose from this thread, so maybe a lock is in order?