Forbidden Pass Created by TyRant Hacker Description **Honor Rules** Forbidden Pass is to be used with the amazing game type "Tremor Blast". Originally created by Creep1ng De4th. In this game, the attackers drive a mongoose to skillfully avoid the defenders whom will be driving a Chopper. The attackers take the red flag and hop onto a mongoose to return the flag to their base. The red team is not allowed to shoot, while the blue team is not allowed to hijack. If you are familiar with most Tremor Blast maps, you will find this one unique. Using the key hole, I have created an alternate base that connects to the flag base. You can only enter and exit the key hole base from the flag side, and the flag base. Best played with 10-12 players. The red team shall only have four players and the rest are to be blue. Honor Rules: No shooting for the red team. No Hijacking for both teams, stay on your assigned vehicles. No assassinating, only splatters, and suicides. Only four on red, the rest must go blue. Download Forbidden Pass | Download Tremor Blast Attackers Base/Blue Base Attacker Side/Blue Side The Central Zone Defenders Side/Red Side The New Key Hole Base Download Forbidden Pass | Download Tremor Blast
Looks really good, especially with all the very clean geomerging. The key hole idea looks interesting also. My only problem is that im not a huge fan of the Tremor Blast gametype. I prefer the Classic as you can probably tell, Haha. Either way i'll give it a try and see how it plays.
First thing- You posted this map 2 times in a row.... Against the rules. But the map looks cool, It looks exactly like it came from the original author of Tremor Blast. It does look like the Keyhole base could keep someone safe too easily in my opinion.
Thank you for your feed back. I play Tremor Blast as if it was a sport, well it kind of is to my friends and I. Mike check your resources. Posted this once, I did post Death Canyon which is a totally different game.